Wednesday 14 September 2016

Purpose of life.....Peace for all.

Bring peace to all around us to enjoy good health and real happiness by experiencing peace within. Get disciplined to control self in every occasions. When we can control our self then we can find the way to spirituality and enjoy wisdom and bliss. Unless we are peaceful within we can never obtain peace in the outer world. Peaceful doesn't mean that we are not having any challenges. Even in critical situations peaceful state help us to handle the conflict in a healthy way. Inner happiness is a state of mind. If we are at peace we can be happy even if we have nothing. But if we have every luxuries we wish and no peace at mind leads  us to unhappy. A beautiful smile, a kind heart, a loving touch and oneness feeling with others can create peace around and within us. Trying to understand the universe, where science and spiritual meet is very important to stay healthy, happy and enjoy peace. See and experience the peace within to create and enjoy peace outside. Always remember our purpose in life. Humans as a social being the purpose is to help others. Knowingly or unknowingly never ever hurt another human. Happiness and peace are not readymade things. It has to come from our own actions.

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