Sunday 18 September 2016

Power of Prayer in creating Peace...

Prayer is an important element in having peace of mind. Prayer is a divine communication with the Almighty to lead us in the right path to full fill our goal in life. I believe the prime goal in our life is to liberate the soul and do service to change the world into a better place. Prayer gives one the strength of courage, strength of trust, light of kindness and compassion. It is very clear prayers help to live a peaceful life. When we are in the right path then we can lead the world to the right path.
In a dinner party, we can taste the different foods and collect recipes and again cook the dishes and enjoy the taste. It is fun to enjoy food in a group. Like wise prayer in groups have stronger vibrations to heal the participants and the environment. Prayer is a series of positive thoughts. Positive thoughts give positive results in our paths. When praying in a group we are praying together for us and for the Universe resulting in the goodness of us. When we pray together positive vibrations are formed and sent, the effects will be positive and will be wholesome. We want peace in our life, Prayer brings peace and we can experience and enjoy peace and spread the rays of peace through out the world.
Today was my little grandson's second birthday. Today was a bhajan day. Monthly there is a bhajan arranged in the house of a member in the group with a pot luck dinner. So thought of joining the bhajan today for special prayer. In the bhajan group when all start chanting together there is no space for unwanted thoughts to conquer our mind. Each and everyone in the group will be in a flow of chanting mantras with a same tone and frequency. This prayers spread positive vibrations and fill positive energy in all and the surroundings. Let us relax in the Almighty's comfort and peace. Power of prayer heals us from all worries and can witness miracles happening in our life. When we are comfortable peace comes on the way.

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