Friday 2 September 2016

Stay Connected to build up World Peace

Today morning my four year old grandson asked me,
Grandma, do you live with us for ever?
Yeah, I love to, what's your wish?
I love you both and my Achachan and Achamma( his paternal grandparents) to live with us for ever in this house.
What a heavenly offer by the little one. Really we are blessed!
Now a days, extended family thoughts are vanishing and there is no scope to have a large family. Now we can see in the mid age of life every body is down sizing their house because their kids are away for studies. That can be even a message to the youngster, that you are planning to stay away so why we maintain a big house. Like wise things are being changed in the world. For sure they will lose their inner happiness and there will be less harmony when kith and kins are away.
Let us stay connected for a better and healthy world. There a huge community of individuals outside our world, wishing to get connected to live in social contacts. Aged people without social contacts are leading a depressed and unhappy life. Connecting with people makes us happier and enables us to enjoy our life. Kids are innocent, smart and always positive to get connected and stay connected. But the special situations of a lot of adults are different. They start socializing only in closed circles of their friends, neighbours and relatives in special occasions. Staying connected keeps us happy, positive and also healthy. Connecting helps us to know the life around us and how much different are others and their needs. Staying connected helps us to open our eyes to situations and events where service and compassion is needed. It also helps us to know each other better and letting others into our beautiful world around.
  " A beautiful face will age and a perfect body will change but a beautiful soul will always be a beautiful soul".
This statement clearly reveals about the beautiful soul, which can only engage and stay in good and healthy connections without any expectations or returns back. So also a beautiful soul can only take care of the carriers, the body and the mind to lead a happy and peaceful life.
Let us stay connected with the mankind to get involved into the needs of the Universe and do our best to maintain 'World Peace'.

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