Saturday 24 September 2016

Happy Thoughts...

All love to be happy. Everyday will not be the same. There will be hard and smooth days. Let us get ready to face everyday with happy thoughts. Some can be happy even when they are not well. Some knows to be happy with humour in their life. Even without material riches some can stay happy. So happiness based on the thoughts of the individual. Happy thoughts can rejuvenate and heal the body and the mind.
  Learn to smile at others to fill you with happiness.
 Have daily exercises and meditation to stay healthy and happy.
 Take things as it comes and feel at ease.
 Take the challenges in front of you with a positive mind which makes you happy in the moment.
 Feel happy that you have the ability to face the problem and come out with solutions.
 Keep in mind, nothing is impossible, so I can win this. This feel makes you happy.
 Let things against you let go and feel gratitude in the moment.
 Dark leads to light. That's the sunset and sunrise. Hope for the rise which makes you happy.
 Keep active and engaged to experience happiness.
 Be optimistic in all your steps to feel happy.
 Practice compassion and be compassionate to feel happiness.
 Fill your mind with gratitude which results in happiness.

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