Thursday 15 September 2016

Let's Go with the Flow of Life and enjoy love and peace

Once we are in a flow, we can be more conscious, attentive and peaceful to the task at hand. Special care and attention to the work help us to enjoy and have fun while doing. It is mentally rewarding and keep us going with the flow of life.
We can see even people are enjoying luxuries in life are not happy. Why is that?
Here I recollect one of the beautiful scenes I saw in my life and tempt me to live a beautiful life. Back from my office in bus, in a bus stop, I saw the contentment and happiness of a couple. They are beggars and live where ever they reach the evening. That day, the beautiful scene was they were feeding each other with the food in a plate. No worries for them, the love, sincerity, commitment and oneness feeling in between them was a real eye opener. They were free of fear, even without a shelter they were able to enjoy their life. I felt that they were the true children of the Almighty. No 'Ego' between them, no demands, no expectations, only love, happiness, peace and gratitude for the day's dinner. Why all are not happy in their life?
The simple reason is that, those who are happy in their life are choosing a state of grace where they peacefully surrender to the natural flow of things. Grace allows them to live in faith and express trust in whatever is happening in the present moment. By accepting the life supported by grace helps to live in a happy and peaceful way. When we are in a flow of life we can see that the experiences both good and bad were and are for the best. It helps to shift our attitude to the problem and results in a  change for our best.  This will allow us to live in a loving and way with gratitude, happiness and peace by extending to other people where ever you are.

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