Monday 12 September 2016

Health and Peace through Yoga and Meditaion....

Yoga and Meditation help individuals in the Universe live healthy and peacefully. Yoga is an amazing path to health,, harmony and peace. Through Yoga the body is cleansed, the mind is purified and the soul will be in bliss. This situation helps us to be serene even in adverse situations and thus we can make others around us happy and healthy. We can embrace love and kindness through daily Yoga. It is important to learn yoga and fix a package of exercises that you love and practice the techniques systematically to get the maximum benefit for you.
Today we see and hear plenty of domestic violence both between persons, within family and also in communities and societies. The violence in politics is also a common thing now a days. Violence initiates tension, stress, anger and anxiety which directly affects health of the person. As a responsible person, what we can do is to get rid from arguments to avoid violence. Starting everyday with a simple meditation helps one to stay in calmness and peace. Fix everyday goal to get engaged and involved in productive activities. When we are properly engaged in duties and activities, there are no space to get into quarrels or difference of opinions. Then we can make everyday purposeful with  beautiful goals which helps to maintain health and happiness which provides inner peace. Meditation helps the person to experience and enjoy inner peace. Once the mind is free from tension  and negative thoughts, the person can experience the oneness feeling. When we have the oneness feel there will no competition for positions and status between persons, family members and neighbours.
Once the unhealthy competitions come to an end health and happiness can over rule physically and mentally.
 Let us participate in community activities to teach yoga and meditation to create a healthy community to experience inner peace. We have to step up to build a healthier and peaceful communities by helping each and every individual to learn the beautiful techniques of yoga and meditation to stay healthy with bliss and experience inner peace.

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