Thursday 1 September 2016

Awake to build up Harmony...

Goodbye August and welcome September the month of 'Hope'.
For me September is a happy month with celebrations. Our beautiful girl was gifted by' Almighty' in September. Our handsome son got married and our chubby cheeky grandson arrived in September. So all are the reasons for celebration in our family circle.
Now for me the most important event in September is 'The international Day of Peace' falls in this month. As a social being I take this as my responsibility also to do the maximum through the organisations I am associated and in my personal level. It is on 21st September of every year and is also declared as a day of global ceasefire and non - violence. It is an agenda for happiness, prosperity and peace through out the Globe.
 " If we have no peace, it is because we have forgotten that we belong to each other."  Mother Teresa

This statement reminds us that we are the beautiful children of the 'Supreme Power', we belong to the same world and same community and the loss of others is our loss and the gain of others is also our gains. Then why should we wait to start our role.
Every connection, every conversation and every relation ship in our life has a purpose and a blessing. We are all dependent on each other. As an individual we are weak and together we have limitless opportunities to explore and implement. In this chaotic world we need to wake up to get rid of all the sins happening around. Peace is a unifying factor.
We belong to each other. Let us join our hands for a dynamic purpose to build unity among mankind to avoid war and build harmony in the Universe.

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