Tuesday 20 September 2016

Compassion the most important Pillar of Peace

Compassion leads to peace. Compassion is the most admirable human trait. Compassion is a key component of a peaceful mind set that enables us to place ourselves within a larger picture of human life. Compassionate people are always helpful, generous, understanding, acceptable, loving and kind. Compassion means 'suffering with'. Treating others as our self and taking their problems to their heart to solve in a positive approach. Compassion is more then sympathy and empathy. Those who realises their inner strength can only be compassionate. Just like meditation, compassion need to be practiced daily to reinforce in self. Understanding selflessness helps to express compassion. Compassionate individuals hold on their interests for the serving the needy. Compassion is the action raising from emptiness. It arises from both on personal level and on the universal level of great cultures. Compassion simply means 'doing only good'. Being compassionate results in expressing wisdom.
Compassion promotes inner strength and a nature of liberality and transparency towards others. Compassion creates a community that is most caring and accepting others. Compassion helps us to involve actively in trying to make the world a better and a more peaceful place. Compassion overcomes the limits of 'ego' and begin to relate to the world. Compassionate people can appreciate and accept others with their needs and interests. Compassion kindles fellow feeling and brings up mercy, forgiveness, altruism, love and kindness.  Serving the humanity by being compassionate helps to experience inner peace and to extend it more quickly to others. It helps to uplift happiness and peace to the humanity.
A sense of caring and expression of compassion leads to 'Peace'.

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