Thursday 22 September 2016

# Remember Me # WAM2016

September is the World Alzheimer's Month, an international campaign to raise awareness and challenge the stigma that surrounds dementia. This was launched in September 2012 with a decision to introduce the full month to contain the existing Day and enabling the Alzheimer's associations across the Globe to extend awareness campaigns and programmes over a period of one full month. The World Alzheimer's Day is on 21st September and was launched on September 21st 1994 in Edinburgh at the opening of ADI's annual conference. September every year the associations around the world gain recognition for the hard work they do. All can participate in the awareness programmes and generate more details and information about dementia, a serious disease or state that will affect more and more people every year. I thought of sharing about my best friend on the theme for World Alzheimer's Month 2016 # Remember Me #.

A Pic from my collection of my friend
One of my dearest friend, 75 years old, to whom I said bye to proceed to Australia on 20th January 2016. On my return in June 2016, she was not recognising me. The sad part was, when I was with her, her daughter and family came to visit. She was asking, who are you? Daughter replied don't you remember me? She looked at her, said no. Then she told, tell me your name? The moment she heard her name, she hugged her daughter and told, how sad, I forgot you, my dear. The moment she heard her daughters name, she recollected some beautiful memories. She even recognised me when I told her my name. Then she said, something not related with the present moment. She was so kind and asked me not to leave without having lunch. Lunch is ready. You all please have lunch. Like that she was caring each one of us. The time was 8pm. She is not knowing the difference between day and night. A loving home nurse was by her side, to take care of her. Her loving husband 80 years old, seemed to be heart broken with a helpless attitude. They both are blessed to live with their son and family and daughters nearby. On a sudden, within three months this situation happened to my friend. She was such a generous and compassionate person in her life. This is a serious situation in most seniors in the sunset of their life. They need loving approach. The advanced and fast life is making their children too busy, that they can't even spend time with their parents. The best thing is to have trained caretakers to love them and keep them clean, engaged and active.
Prayers for all suffering with Alzheimer's. May God shower blessings on them for their very best!!!
We have to include some exercise in our life. Better to start earlier or not later than middle age.
As a social activist and a yoga trainer, let me scribble some simple tips to take care off.
Vigorous physical activity during middle age helps in a lower risk of cognitive impairment in later phase of life. Kundalini yoga with meditation every day improves memory skills in recalling phone numbers, names of person, films, and remembering dates and years of important events of self, family and friends. Yoga also helps to experience peace which decreases anxiety and stress. Those doing Yoga, are able to cope with adverse situations easily. Exercises for the brain is very important. Rather than your daily routine, go for Sudoku, quiz programmes, drawing, painting, puzzle solving, volunteering which help greatly to boost your brain and sharpen your brain.

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