Thursday 19 May 2016

Water can impact our happiness

It's a trend for people to go for waterfront houses. Why they prefer waterfront? The basics is that the view from the master bedroom, or from the patio is so nice to enjoy nature with a cup of coffee or tea and stay calm for hours.
                                     Today me and my friend went to Broad beach just to hang out and have lunch together. She is going through a hard time and needs assurance.Lonely persons can have lively time with a friend if possible. I love to help and assist individuals when they need help to get rid some their stress in life. At beach we had an hour chat and felt so relieved from her stress issues.
                                     The symbolism of water is very important. Creative, changeable and productive power of the Universe is represented by the water. The water helps to turn off the chattering internal voice and gaze thoughtlessly at the flowing water and fill in happiness and peace. Water can also evoke a sense of connection with the Universe, such that there is no boundary between  the self and what is felt.
Oceans, seas, lakes, backwaters, rivers, creeks, ponds, swimming pools, fountains, bath tub or any water bodies can do the same effect. No need to learn or practice meditation. Water meditates you and puts in a relaxed state. The only thing is to just pay attention to the water around you. The mind wandering helps you to let things come and connect to be more innovative and initiate the brain to do activities through new ideas.

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