Saturday 7 May 2016

Blessed couple

Me and my husband with our son n law's grandparents
This is about the blessed couple I ever met in my life. They are my son in law's grandparents. We became relatives in 2004 and from that period till the end we were in such a harmonious relationship. Every year we used to visit this lovely couple to spend some quality time with them. We respect each other and share our experience in life. I learned a lot from them. Their seventy years of togetherness is really an institute to me. I understood the way to attain God- realization from them coupled with spirituality. They were practicing patience, love and forgiveness and maintained great relationship which helped them to live their life fully and satisfactorily to reach eternal freedom. Grandpa after a week of hospitalisation left us on 18th of April 2016 at the age of 98. That was very hard for grandma. She didn't speak for two days. Then slowly came back and felt like normal. I was far away in another continent and got her over phone, spoke softly about the loss.
I agreed to meet her during July 2016 when I shall be back.
     On 6th May 2016 she went to bed at 10.15 pm and to our surprise she was no more in the morning . She was 84. Doctor certified that, her death happened around 5.30 am due to cardiac arrest.
      The loved and blessed couple after their happy togetherness of seventy years left for heavenly abode, almost together,  just within a gap of 19 days leaving behind beautiful children, grandchildren, their spouses and great grandchildren. Blessed by the Supreme Power to have the unity in their life....
leaving a worth message of the 'sense of oneness'  for the family members, relatives, friends and neighbours.
    I salute you both. May their souls rest in peace....      

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