Friday 27 May 2016

Enjoy friendship and refresh yourself

A bunch of beautiful and true friends
A true friend is always a shoulder to lean on. Friendships can be short lived and deeper and last long.
The quote by Eleanor Roosevelt is " Many people will walk in and out of your life; but only true friends will leave footprints in your heart.
 As one get older it's time to prune your friendship tree to give enough attention to your friends who will really matter for your wellbeing. Pay attention to put time and energy to cultivate a close circle of friends and get rid of loneliness. Close friends are always willing to support you through your thick and thin. Take care to get away from friends who are likely to stay back and do any harm.
                                                       Good friends always serve as free personal therapist and can help you to cope with stress situations and give you their ear and listen patiently and give you a hug and pray for you, which provides with a sense of contentment and peace of mind. Friends helps one to get know better and to figure out your goals and encourage you to move forward in the right path. Friends can give you a reality check and in this case they are good over family.
                                                       Your friends play an important role in happiness. They can make one's life better and more healthier. Sharing with friends help to reduce blood pressure and stress hormones by releasing happy hormones (endorphins). A true friend never talk behind your back in your absence. On line friends can guide your thoughts and be a support in your life. Strong and beautiful friendship increase your self esteem and a sense of belonging and helps you stay confident and healthy. We are social in nature and having friends make us feel secure.
          Making friends are easy but to maintain friendship is a real art which needs commitment.

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