Monday 30 May 2016

Spiritual Journey

Spiritual journey starts with birth. Being spiritual is natural. But in this busy world we are too busy to hear and talk to our inner self. Each person has to find his own path of inner satisfaction and create a clear path for his spiritual journey. There is no such a path, it's your own way to walk, the more you walk and the more you understand of the journey is the way to gain spiritual consciousness.
The person can understand who truly I am and what life is about ? Spiritual journey helps to deal with adversity. Being on a spiritual path does not prevent one from facing challenges. But it teaches one, how to act and overcome the hurdles. Spiritual journey helps one to learn from mistakes, gain strength from solving and getting out of troubles and overcome difficulties by having fun. Also spiritual thoughts help us to protect ourselves from worries, anger, sadness, stress, sensitive emotions,
greed and jealous. It is very important to talk to our mind with love to create happiness within and increase self respect. Truly we are spiritual beings on a human journey. The journey is called Life, and life for such persons are going to be great to become a force for good in the world. It also helps, not to concentrate on material wealth, worldly pleasures and attachments. Spiritual journey helps one to get connected with the higher spirit and realize the purpose of life. Meditation is a great way to make one enlightened spiritually. Even in the busy schedule one can easily find time for meditation. Protect yourself to be the carrier of a beautiful soul. Meditation helps to trust yourself, trust others and to gain the ability to draw on your inner strength and helps your spiritual journey onward.

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