Friday 13 May 2016

Sisters are real life time friend, philosopher and guide

Today got a phone call from my younger sister. We had sweet and lovely chat for about half an hour. It was truly energising and fun filling. She is hardly 18 months younger to me. So we grew up like best friends. Even though best, we use to quarrel now and then when we were in our early teens. What ever happened in between day time at bed we used to apologise and have a goodnight sleep. Yesterday we travelled through our childhood days and the little cutest things we enjoyed in all walks of our life. My little grandson awoke which happens to break our phone call and awaiting for the next call may be a week after.
A sister means, a life time friend. They are different fruits from the same tree. Sisters are connected by heart even if they are miles apart. In younger age sisters may be the most competitive girls in the family. Once they are grown up, no doubt it becomes the strongest relationships by sharing the life journey. Sisters are always supportive, caring and motivating. Sisters shares laughter and wipes tears.
Even if sisters grow old they are not old in their own time while sharing their childhood memories and grown up dreams. Yes, they can be a friend. philosopher and guide towards each other.

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