Monday 2 May 2016

Don't miss a Rainforest walk.....

 Today visited Glow worm caves at Tamborine mountain with an intention to have fun, enjoy nature along with an intense walk.
After the half an hour guided tour to the caves, had the rainforest walk enjoying the music of birds and frogs which was very sweet along with the splashing sound of natural water falls here and there. The weather today was so beautiful and cool to enjoy the walk. Being a holiday the tourist and visitors in the park was a feast to eyes and ears. The beautiful rainforest bushwalks are well established and easy to walk enjoying nature.
I would wish to highlight the benefits of walking in a rainforest.
The hundreds of trees you pass by, orchids, ferns and other exotic plants that grow on tree trunks, the sunlight that filters through the canopy of leaves and above all enjoying the cool and deep shade in the rainforest. Also the feel and closeness of other creatures living up in the canopy, in the forest and well hidden under the thick foliage, the warm, damp and humid air inside the forest reminds us the importance and role of nature to protect us and provide us food, shelter, air to breathe conserve water for drinking and irrigation like that a number of activities. Nature reminds us the soul and spirit of life of all creatures in the Universe.
     This long weekend at Gold Coast was amazing and informative. Lot of things to share with my loving and beautiful friends in the community during leisure time.

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