Wednesday 18 May 2016

Essential keys for a healthy married life

We are blessed by the Almighty. Completed forty years of togetherness enjoying the journey along the way and arriving at every destination together. Yes we were there for each other's ups and downs. The topmost secret of our married life is, there is not even a single secret in between us. The transparency and openness to communicate and share on the same day itself between we both and between our family with our son and daughter even from their young age made us one of the most beautiful family in the world with the richness in satisfaction and happiness. Our strength I believe is the value system in our thoughts, action and words we follow in our life. Of course we have difference of opinion, which we think is the beauty of life and the key component for our individual growth and it last only for a while. There was no 'I' between us, only 'WE' which made us a team. We believe in humanity and feel oneness among all.
Trust, honesty and love are the foundation stones in our beautiful life. We are thankful to the Almighty and pray to give us health and happiness to serve the 'Universe'.
    Patience and forgiveness are very important in married life. Be selfless and committed to build trust and honesty between husband and wife. Workout on your dreams, hopes, fears and anxiety if any together. Always go for a joint venture on your important and routine tasks and decisions to respect the ideas and suggestions of both. Always keep your shoulder free for your spouse to relax and feel secure. Value marriage, take care of marriage like a crystal glass. Great care is needed to maintain healthy relationship in your marriage. Invest into it daily to last longer. It is so worth, since successful marriage is valuable to transfer traditions to generations.

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