Saturday 21 May 2016

Meditation and Prayer for Universal Peace !!!

Today our son got hospitalised for an emergency surgery. We meditate and prayed for his wellness. I thought of sharing our meditation prayer to the viewers. I learned this meditation method during 1993 and still practising. This meditation is a great tool to stay calm and relaxed and to contribute to the wellness of the Universe. Once  started and continued, doing this meditation helps one, to stay connected and make a difference.
For beginners, start in a group and then go for your own. It is better to close your eyes to concentrate easily at beginning.
Sit comfortably in a calm and quiet place in 'Chin mudra'.
(Chin mudra is performed by joining the tips of thumb and index finger.)
In a group,
Say three times' The atmosphere around us is being purified by the Divine Bliss.'
Say three times' The Divine Bliss descends upon us and we are getting purified and blessed.'
Salutations to mother, Salutations to Father and Salutations to the Divine Guru.
Then meditate, concentrating on third eye centre, for at least ten minutes (can meditate up to thirty minutes).
 Conclude the meditation saying three times,
'By the grace of the Divine Bliss, we will enjoy good health, long life, enough wealth, prosperity, happiness, harmony and peace.'
Then bring your kith and kins, one by one in your mental mirror and bless them by saying,
'Be blessed by the Divine Bliss'
( Kith and Kins....Spouse, children and their families, siblings and their families, relatives, friends, neighbours, colleagues etc...)
Special blessings to any one who is suffering from illness or any loss.
Special blessings to any kind of envious person, you feel so.
Conclude by saying three times
" The Whole World may enjoy Prosperity, Happiness and Peace.
Rub your palms a few times and feel the warmth on your face, spread on your arms and hands.
If eyes were closed, slowly open your eyes and say,
       Om Shanti ! Om Shanti !! Om Shanti !!!

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