Thursday 19 May 2016

Boost your Brain Activity to Improve Memory

 In my Seniors broadband class, one of my friends asked for my blogs and handed over a paper to me. I just wrote down all the four blogs I own and also the website I have. He wondered and asked how Suma you remember all these by heart? That triggered me to post how to increase or maintain our brain power.
    Here I wish to share my little story, Oh no, the real thing about my memory. I was blessed to be awarded in the memory test conducted in school in all the grades. The awards really made me to cultivate the quality within me. At the professional course in the college, I was too good to learn the scientific names by heart quickly and I became a master to teach my friends how to remember the names in an easy and funny way by relating to things we love and remember.
         In my profession I maintained the skill by remembering the phone numbers and was lovingly known as a telephone directory. Even after retirement I came to know that I am so good to remember the important dates in the life of my family including grandparents, parents, in laws, aunties, uncles, siblings, children, grand children, close friends likewise it is going on. This helps me a lot to be in here and now situation, helps me to enjoy the moment, forget about the past and not to worry about the future.
     At any age one can improve their memory by doing a lot of things. A strong memory depends on the health and vitality of your brain. The human brain can easily be adapted and changed, even in old age. Right stimulation is needed to help your brain to form new neural pathways, alter existing connections and adapt and react in new, smart and healthy ways. The natural power of the brain enhance your ability to learn new information and that helps to improve your memory at any age.
Memory, just like physical fitness/ strength needs workouts.
The best exercise is to break your routine and take the risks to face and form new pathways.
 Keep on learning and developing new skills.
 Choose a challenge that requires mental effort. Start from easy step and build up your way to improve.
Even though it is challenging go for activities that are still enjoyable and satisfying.
Some of the activities I like to share, singing, playing musical instruments, stitching, painting, gardening, dancing, fishing, cooking, learning a new language, playing chess, doing Sudoku, like wise any of the activities which can help to improve your memory as long as you love the activity and it keeps you challenged and busy.

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