Saturday 21 May 2016

Take care of your emotional health

I love to take classes for teens, young and aged women to equip them with positive attitude towards their life and the world. These sessions really helps me to take care of myself and my emotional health. The conversation between two or more persons can be a nice method to stay emotionally healthy.
 Emotional health is the important key of body's immune system. Emotional health is important to control thoughts, feelings and attitudes to have healthy relationships with family members, relatives and friends. Family members play a very important role in ones emotional health, but the sole responsibility lies on self. Respect your feelings and express it in appropriate ways. If necessary don't hesitate to discuss with your doctor, counsellor or a close friend or a spiritual advisor.
Change your thoughts and have a happier outlook on life.
Don't bring problems at work to home.
Eat healthy meals and sleep well.
Spend happy time with all the family members, best time is dinner table.
Minimum exercise and ten minutes meditation daily will do great.
Life is very busy, scribble daily the nice moments and how the challenges were sort out and faced.
Have a healthy social life which helps to cope up the stress if any you have.
Love your life and live your life in a balanced way.

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