Sunday 15 May 2016

Seniors meet at Brisbane

Today participated in the seniors meet of MAQ at Sherwood Neighbourhood Centre, Brisbane. It was arranged to honour the senior members of MAQ and for the parents visiting their children and family. Me and my husband fall in the later group. Our son took us to the centre for the programme and afternoon lunch. It was a pleasant and vibrant programme where we got an amazing opportunity to interact with each and every one. After the delicious lunch, some of us performed the singing talents hidden in us. It was absolutely amazing and entertaining to activate our brain and body which help to age better. Hat's off to the organisers of MAQ.
As we get old, don't tend to stay away from social gatherings, which can hurt our mental and physical health. These meets help seniors to support and engage each other. Taking care of each other keeps us healthy and happy. As we age, both our health and social connections start to decline. We shall automatically get away from social connection and lose the attitude for positive outlook after our retirement, losing dear ones from our life and the shifting of children to far away places based on their family, profession and job, which in turn has a direct impact on health and happiness in our later years of life. Being socially connected helps us to live independently longer in good health. Only way is to use it or lose it. Let us determine to use it. It is as good as a physical activity or exercise. 

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