Monday 16 May 2016

Talk and get rid of stress

When I am in stress, I talk to a friend whom I can trust. I got beautiful and  lovely women friends of all ages in all groups and organisations that I am associated. So any kind of stress is not a problem for me. I can easily come out from the stress issues, cope with the situation and be a happy person and spread happiness to those who are around. I believe in the statement 'Forgive and Forget.'
This works on me and my friends feel that I am always a happy person.

Social support is an essential factor to get rid of stress. When you share your feelings with another person, it helps to relieve your stress. The person to whom you share must be trustworthy and able to understand and accept you. Family members are not good to alleviate your stress because they have some prejudices. So always try to present your stress in an impartial way respecting the others who you believe has a role in your feelings. Also continue to keep the list of your friends with whom you can talk and trust who will make you understand protecting you and your relations and able to console you and create positive feeling in you to feel happy. It is very important to know that, however alone you may feel, there is always some one for you to talk to. Talking helps you to find better solutions to face your problems and get away from stress and feelings of isolation.

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