Monday 23 May 2016

Share the Gifts We have with the Universe...

It was a beautiful day. Tuesdays we got our community broadband and the time is 10am to 12noon. My friend was busy with her assignment which is to be completed by 29th May 2016. She asked me whether I can go through her assignment just to have a second opinion. We need to have more time and thought of going earlier. At 9am we started our work and almost finished it by 10am and got ready for our routine session with our group in full swing. Here I shared my time with my friend to make her at ease and support her with the assignment.
   We need to give our ears to listen and shoulders to lean on to our fellows whenever they need. Being empathetic is the important step to be a generous human being. In this fast world we usually hear, 'there is no time for anything, busy with our routines, busy with kids, grandkids, busy with cooking, busy with household activities, always busy, busy, and busy. Then it becomes a habit.
Those who are always busy will slowly get away from social contacts. Only leisurely people can always share and care for others. Scribble down the things you have shared in the day with your family, work place or in the community. Also share with family members the good things you did for your friend or to a stranger.
This type of sharing will help your family members also to keep in their heart to share with others, whether it is toys, food, money, knowledge, skills, practical experience and of course their valuable time. 'TIME' is the Total Investment of Money and Energy.

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