Monday 30 May 2016

'Laughter' a Powerful Tool for Health and Happiness

 Great Salute to the Father of Laughter, Charlie Chaplin.
Here I wish to remind the three heart touching statements of Charlie Chaplin.
1 Nothing is permanent in this world not even our troubles.
   2 I like walking in the rain because nobody can see my tears.
                   3 The most wasted day in life is the day in which we have not laughed.
The beautiful life message we can read, is nothing to worry, even you worry do it on your own don't drag others into our worries, laugh every day for making yourself happy and others also laugh and happy. Nobody will laugh or is able to laugh on the same joke if heard repeatedly. Likewise why should we cry thinking on the same sad incident. Enjoy every moment in life. Life is beautiful.
Choosing to laugh as and when is not a sign of silliness, it is a sign of maturity. Laughter brings people together and helps to feel more alive, confident and empowered.
No special skills are needed for laughter. It is a natural gift every everybody have. All ages can equally laugh.The only thing is in our own hands whether to choose laugh or not. Laughter is a natural medicine which lifts our spirit and makes us feel happy and stay healthy and also a contagious emotion which makes all in the group to laugh. Usually we laugh at others expense. Lets us laugh at our own account to be happy and healthy and make others laugh and enjoy happiness. You grow old because you forget to laugh, so laugh everyday to stay with a young mind, to live healthy and happy.
Laughter is a positive manifestation for world peace and is intended to build up a global consciousness of brotherhood and friendship.


Spiritual Journey

Spiritual journey starts with birth. Being spiritual is natural. But in this busy world we are too busy to hear and talk to our inner self. Each person has to find his own path of inner satisfaction and create a clear path for his spiritual journey. There is no such a path, it's your own way to walk, the more you walk and the more you understand of the journey is the way to gain spiritual consciousness.
The person can understand who truly I am and what life is about ? Spiritual journey helps to deal with adversity. Being on a spiritual path does not prevent one from facing challenges. But it teaches one, how to act and overcome the hurdles. Spiritual journey helps one to learn from mistakes, gain strength from solving and getting out of troubles and overcome difficulties by having fun. Also spiritual thoughts help us to protect ourselves from worries, anger, sadness, stress, sensitive emotions,
greed and jealous. It is very important to talk to our mind with love to create happiness within and increase self respect. Truly we are spiritual beings on a human journey. The journey is called Life, and life for such persons are going to be great to become a force for good in the world. It also helps, not to concentrate on material wealth, worldly pleasures and attachments. Spiritual journey helps one to get connected with the higher spirit and realize the purpose of life. Meditation is a great way to make one enlightened spiritually. Even in the busy schedule one can easily find time for meditation. Protect yourself to be the carrier of a beautiful soul. Meditation helps to trust yourself, trust others and to gain the ability to draw on your inner strength and helps your spiritual journey onward.

Sunday 29 May 2016

Participate in social functions and stay positive

Any outdoor activities or community festivals such as a social gatherings even quarterly, half yearly and monthly need be attended to become active and lively. If it is an entertainment, along with the stage shows we can enjoy each programme with ourselves. Get involved in the programmes and try to be part of it. During or after the programme the food and drinks served can also energise and boost one. I always love to attend social functions as far as possible. We can maintain interests in enjoying the crowd, the people, good opportunity to connect and meet friends. Take care to bring your aged parents to such social activities to keep them active. They for sure will enjoy the fun, food and the activities going on to have a lively discussion on it who was not able to attend which inspires them to attend next time. Social gatherings help everybody especially seniors to be in the flow and enjoy life positively and happily.

Friday 27 May 2016

Enjoy friendship and refresh yourself

A bunch of beautiful and true friends
A true friend is always a shoulder to lean on. Friendships can be short lived and deeper and last long.
The quote by Eleanor Roosevelt is " Many people will walk in and out of your life; but only true friends will leave footprints in your heart.
 As one get older it's time to prune your friendship tree to give enough attention to your friends who will really matter for your wellbeing. Pay attention to put time and energy to cultivate a close circle of friends and get rid of loneliness. Close friends are always willing to support you through your thick and thin. Take care to get away from friends who are likely to stay back and do any harm.
                                                       Good friends always serve as free personal therapist and can help you to cope with stress situations and give you their ear and listen patiently and give you a hug and pray for you, which provides with a sense of contentment and peace of mind. Friends helps one to get know better and to figure out your goals and encourage you to move forward in the right path. Friends can give you a reality check and in this case they are good over family.
                                                       Your friends play an important role in happiness. They can make one's life better and more healthier. Sharing with friends help to reduce blood pressure and stress hormones by releasing happy hormones (endorphins). A true friend never talk behind your back in your absence. On line friends can guide your thoughts and be a support in your life. Strong and beautiful friendship increase your self esteem and a sense of belonging and helps you stay confident and healthy. We are social in nature and having friends make us feel secure.
          Making friends are easy but to maintain friendship is a real art which needs commitment.

Thursday 26 May 2016

Live happily after Retirement

Of course to live happily after retirement needs to be happy before retirement. Always work on goals, short term, medium term and long term for quality and successful living. After retirement falls it is a long term goal. We as a retired couple loves to travel, document our travel by photography which is our passion, visit our friends and relatives, invite them at our home and do our passion for cooking, spend time with our beloved ones wherever they are, have fun with our grandkids, reading and writing, observing the nature, surroundings and chat with co travellers, which helps me to get inspired to enjoy, follow and write. The most important activity for me after retirement is to do social work and volunteer. Taking classes and conducting yoga and relaxation programmes especially for the empowerment of womanhood, special needs children and aged and lonely women in aged care centres. Now retirement seems to me the most happiest time because I am free to do whatever I gained from my beautiful life and from humankind, wherever I am. This enables me to get enlightened and enriched with a beautiful soul, positive mind and a perfect body.
                                            Planning properly and doing service to humankind is a great activity any one can follow. Take care of your passions when you plan your after retirement programmes. Being part of a social organisations will surely help one to explore and excel the skills within.
No doubt retirement is not the end of our life, it is the new start of our life to stay healthy and get rid of loneliness. Age is not a barrier for anything. It will let one become slow, but if you want to keep going, you can move forward. Enjoy the wholeness of life for the eternal journey.
                  Happiness keeps you sweet, Trials keep you strong, Sorrows keeps you human, Failure keep you humble and Courage keeps you going. Go for a Happy and Peaceful life.

No One is too Old for Social Media

                                         Being in Facebook is a real blessing to me. It helps me to be in touch with classmates and friends. Today when I opened my face book account I was surprised to see our couple photo as newly weds before forty years. I posted the photo four years back in Facebook in an album 'My journey to this beautiful world.' To my surprise, Facebook remind me the memory with an option to share it. Immediately shared our photo. In this fast world no one is having time to recollect old memories and go through the albums. Every one is very busy and tied up in present and stressed about tomorrow. But they are pretty friendly with social media especially with Facebook. Our class mates, colleagues, friends, siblings, relatives and children are there in Facebook and they got an opportunity to visit our page and wish us. And the lovely picture help us to cherish the nice memories we had with our children and family to this stage. It was truly amazing to cherish our memories and to thank 'Thank the Almighty' who lead us in the right path.
                                          Most of the seniors are not feeling lonely or isolated because of social media. It's a great way for them to find their long lost friends. Now a days children and close ones are living in different countries and continents, and it's a beautiful way to be in touch with them. Facebook narrows the generation gap. Seniors can post and share their stories, experiences, thoughts, ideas, wisdom and humour with others on Facebook. It is a great forum to be in touch and keeping in touch. The most important reason of social media for seniors is to stay close to their family and friends. Grandparents can enjoy online the moment their grandchildren posted it and feel the closeness. Daily chatting and Face time is possible and it is the best way to check in with the elders creating a peace of mind on both ends. Social media provides the opportunity to be a friend and have a friend even when you are alone at home. The entertainment, informative and the game sessions are very helpful to keep them engaged, exercise their brains learning new skills and to keep the doctor away.
                                         Hat's off to Social Media!

Tuesday 24 May 2016

Build Gobal Friendships and Stay Connected

I like to have friends where ever I live. I am blessed to have beautiful and kind friends. My children live in different continents and we used to live with them frequently. The friends I have, make me feel home away home and so I am not at all bored and enjoy lot of activities to have fun and fitness. So also we are in touch through emails and Social media.
To me I believe the ability to make Global friends is definitely a sign you are doing well in life. Even your friend is far away, yet you can still experience the beauty of that friendship. Global friendships help us to learn different cultures, different cuisines, new languages, international politics, tactics and traditional tips and ethnic ways to approach differently and creatively to face our life and problems, through interactions. Friendship is a precious and essential human need. Friends make you laugh when you need it most. Friendship is a natural part of human life. Friendship teach us how to trust others and how to be trustworthy. Friends respect each other. True friends, let them be anywhere in the Universe, they are the real treasures in our life. Friendships provide us with a sense of connectedness with a deep sense of comfort, identity and belonging.

Monday 23 May 2016

Share the Gifts We have with the Universe...

It was a beautiful day. Tuesdays we got our community broadband and the time is 10am to 12noon. My friend was busy with her assignment which is to be completed by 29th May 2016. She asked me whether I can go through her assignment just to have a second opinion. We need to have more time and thought of going earlier. At 9am we started our work and almost finished it by 10am and got ready for our routine session with our group in full swing. Here I shared my time with my friend to make her at ease and support her with the assignment.
   We need to give our ears to listen and shoulders to lean on to our fellows whenever they need. Being empathetic is the important step to be a generous human being. In this fast world we usually hear, 'there is no time for anything, busy with our routines, busy with kids, grandkids, busy with cooking, busy with household activities, always busy, busy, and busy. Then it becomes a habit.
Those who are always busy will slowly get away from social contacts. Only leisurely people can always share and care for others. Scribble down the things you have shared in the day with your family, work place or in the community. Also share with family members the good things you did for your friend or to a stranger.
This type of sharing will help your family members also to keep in their heart to share with others, whether it is toys, food, money, knowledge, skills, practical experience and of course their valuable time. 'TIME' is the Total Investment of Money and Energy.

Sunday 22 May 2016

Put aside some time for 'YOU' in Today's Busy World

 I got a lovely friend who is always very busy. She loves to serve others, yes, even neglecting herself. She under gone an emergency surgery with anaesthesia. Though the surgery was simple she was in the hospital for 16 hours. I visited her the next day of surgery. I was surprised to find her busy with arranging her home to welcome her daughter and family in the evening, which was a prefixed programme. She was doing the work in a very positive and happy mood. Being a close friend of her, I also started helping , we finished the task before time and had a chat and hot coffee together. She was having pain around the area where the procedure did and saying, 'this is not a problem for me, I want everything to be Ok with my girl when she comes to me.' What she did is great and appreciable? I just suggested her to have 'her own time' which she welcomed wholeheartedly.
      Don't you think she need, ' her own time'. Yes of course she need. This is something special for 'YOU'. Who is the most important person in your life? Nobody else it is 'YOU.' You have to be physically and emotionally fit to take care of your loved ones. Self nurturing is essential for good physical and emotional health. Always find time to keep a positive mind set when tasks are piling up,
and also make genuine, good quality 'me time.' Go for a walk/jogging for physical fitness, enjoying fresh air and beautiful people around. Take half an hour daily to get back to the silence and stillness within. Practice daily meditation for a stipulated time which helps introspection. Regular meditation improves your ability to focus and think clearly. Meditations cultivate in us the ability to sense and care for our natural energy, we are able to live life with greater awareness and confidence.
       It's a choice whether to choose or not. All it requires is a commitment to just putting aside some time for the most important person in your life that's 'YOU'.

Saturday 21 May 2016

Take care of your emotional health

I love to take classes for teens, young and aged women to equip them with positive attitude towards their life and the world. These sessions really helps me to take care of myself and my emotional health. The conversation between two or more persons can be a nice method to stay emotionally healthy.
 Emotional health is the important key of body's immune system. Emotional health is important to control thoughts, feelings and attitudes to have healthy relationships with family members, relatives and friends. Family members play a very important role in ones emotional health, but the sole responsibility lies on self. Respect your feelings and express it in appropriate ways. If necessary don't hesitate to discuss with your doctor, counsellor or a close friend or a spiritual advisor.
Change your thoughts and have a happier outlook on life.
Don't bring problems at work to home.
Eat healthy meals and sleep well.
Spend happy time with all the family members, best time is dinner table.
Minimum exercise and ten minutes meditation daily will do great.
Life is very busy, scribble daily the nice moments and how the challenges were sort out and faced.
Have a healthy social life which helps to cope up the stress if any you have.
Love your life and live your life in a balanced way.

Meditation and Prayer for Universal Peace !!!

Today our son got hospitalised for an emergency surgery. We meditate and prayed for his wellness. I thought of sharing our meditation prayer to the viewers. I learned this meditation method during 1993 and still practising. This meditation is a great tool to stay calm and relaxed and to contribute to the wellness of the Universe. Once  started and continued, doing this meditation helps one, to stay connected and make a difference.
For beginners, start in a group and then go for your own. It is better to close your eyes to concentrate easily at beginning.
Sit comfortably in a calm and quiet place in 'Chin mudra'.
(Chin mudra is performed by joining the tips of thumb and index finger.)
In a group,
Say three times' The atmosphere around us is being purified by the Divine Bliss.'
Say three times' The Divine Bliss descends upon us and we are getting purified and blessed.'
Salutations to mother, Salutations to Father and Salutations to the Divine Guru.
Then meditate, concentrating on third eye centre, for at least ten minutes (can meditate up to thirty minutes).
 Conclude the meditation saying three times,
'By the grace of the Divine Bliss, we will enjoy good health, long life, enough wealth, prosperity, happiness, harmony and peace.'
Then bring your kith and kins, one by one in your mental mirror and bless them by saying,
'Be blessed by the Divine Bliss'
( Kith and Kins....Spouse, children and their families, siblings and their families, relatives, friends, neighbours, colleagues etc...)
Special blessings to any one who is suffering from illness or any loss.
Special blessings to any kind of envious person, you feel so.
Conclude by saying three times
" The Whole World may enjoy Prosperity, Happiness and Peace.
Rub your palms a few times and feel the warmth on your face, spread on your arms and hands.
If eyes were closed, slowly open your eyes and say,
       Om Shanti ! Om Shanti !! Om Shanti !!!

Thursday 19 May 2016

Boost your Brain Activity to Improve Memory

 In my Seniors broadband class, one of my friends asked for my blogs and handed over a paper to me. I just wrote down all the four blogs I own and also the website I have. He wondered and asked how Suma you remember all these by heart? That triggered me to post how to increase or maintain our brain power.
    Here I wish to share my little story, Oh no, the real thing about my memory. I was blessed to be awarded in the memory test conducted in school in all the grades. The awards really made me to cultivate the quality within me. At the professional course in the college, I was too good to learn the scientific names by heart quickly and I became a master to teach my friends how to remember the names in an easy and funny way by relating to things we love and remember.
         In my profession I maintained the skill by remembering the phone numbers and was lovingly known as a telephone directory. Even after retirement I came to know that I am so good to remember the important dates in the life of my family including grandparents, parents, in laws, aunties, uncles, siblings, children, grand children, close friends likewise it is going on. This helps me a lot to be in here and now situation, helps me to enjoy the moment, forget about the past and not to worry about the future.
     At any age one can improve their memory by doing a lot of things. A strong memory depends on the health and vitality of your brain. The human brain can easily be adapted and changed, even in old age. Right stimulation is needed to help your brain to form new neural pathways, alter existing connections and adapt and react in new, smart and healthy ways. The natural power of the brain enhance your ability to learn new information and that helps to improve your memory at any age.
Memory, just like physical fitness/ strength needs workouts.
The best exercise is to break your routine and take the risks to face and form new pathways.
 Keep on learning and developing new skills.
 Choose a challenge that requires mental effort. Start from easy step and build up your way to improve.
Even though it is challenging go for activities that are still enjoyable and satisfying.
Some of the activities I like to share, singing, playing musical instruments, stitching, painting, gardening, dancing, fishing, cooking, learning a new language, playing chess, doing Sudoku, like wise any of the activities which can help to improve your memory as long as you love the activity and it keeps you challenged and busy.

Water can impact our happiness

It's a trend for people to go for waterfront houses. Why they prefer waterfront? The basics is that the view from the master bedroom, or from the patio is so nice to enjoy nature with a cup of coffee or tea and stay calm for hours.
                                     Today me and my friend went to Broad beach just to hang out and have lunch together. She is going through a hard time and needs assurance.Lonely persons can have lively time with a friend if possible. I love to help and assist individuals when they need help to get rid some their stress in life. At beach we had an hour chat and felt so relieved from her stress issues.
                                     The symbolism of water is very important. Creative, changeable and productive power of the Universe is represented by the water. The water helps to turn off the chattering internal voice and gaze thoughtlessly at the flowing water and fill in happiness and peace. Water can also evoke a sense of connection with the Universe, such that there is no boundary between  the self and what is felt.
Oceans, seas, lakes, backwaters, rivers, creeks, ponds, swimming pools, fountains, bath tub or any water bodies can do the same effect. No need to learn or practice meditation. Water meditates you and puts in a relaxed state. The only thing is to just pay attention to the water around you. The mind wandering helps you to let things come and connect to be more innovative and initiate the brain to do activities through new ideas.

Wednesday 18 May 2016

Essential keys for a healthy married life

We are blessed by the Almighty. Completed forty years of togetherness enjoying the journey along the way and arriving at every destination together. Yes we were there for each other's ups and downs. The topmost secret of our married life is, there is not even a single secret in between us. The transparency and openness to communicate and share on the same day itself between we both and between our family with our son and daughter even from their young age made us one of the most beautiful family in the world with the richness in satisfaction and happiness. Our strength I believe is the value system in our thoughts, action and words we follow in our life. Of course we have difference of opinion, which we think is the beauty of life and the key component for our individual growth and it last only for a while. There was no 'I' between us, only 'WE' which made us a team. We believe in humanity and feel oneness among all.
Trust, honesty and love are the foundation stones in our beautiful life. We are thankful to the Almighty and pray to give us health and happiness to serve the 'Universe'.
    Patience and forgiveness are very important in married life. Be selfless and committed to build trust and honesty between husband and wife. Workout on your dreams, hopes, fears and anxiety if any together. Always go for a joint venture on your important and routine tasks and decisions to respect the ideas and suggestions of both. Always keep your shoulder free for your spouse to relax and feel secure. Value marriage, take care of marriage like a crystal glass. Great care is needed to maintain healthy relationship in your marriage. Invest into it daily to last longer. It is so worth, since successful marriage is valuable to transfer traditions to generations.

Monday 16 May 2016

Talk and get rid of stress

When I am in stress, I talk to a friend whom I can trust. I got beautiful and  lovely women friends of all ages in all groups and organisations that I am associated. So any kind of stress is not a problem for me. I can easily come out from the stress issues, cope with the situation and be a happy person and spread happiness to those who are around. I believe in the statement 'Forgive and Forget.'
This works on me and my friends feel that I am always a happy person.

Social support is an essential factor to get rid of stress. When you share your feelings with another person, it helps to relieve your stress. The person to whom you share must be trustworthy and able to understand and accept you. Family members are not good to alleviate your stress because they have some prejudices. So always try to present your stress in an impartial way respecting the others who you believe has a role in your feelings. Also continue to keep the list of your friends with whom you can talk and trust who will make you understand protecting you and your relations and able to console you and create positive feeling in you to feel happy. It is very important to know that, however alone you may feel, there is always some one for you to talk to. Talking helps you to find better solutions to face your problems and get away from stress and feelings of isolation.

Sunday 15 May 2016

Beauty of Human Relations

Stay connected to enjoy the beauty of human relations. Today it was a beautiful and lovely day to be at the Pantry. On every Mondays in our near by community we used to assemble to share our experiences, plan trips, exchanging phone numbers and email ids, having elaborate discussions on current activities and politics.
The weather was very pleasant with cool breeze. So also was the people who gathered. We had fun, had hi tea, exchanged nice memories of our childhood and week end activities. We were from different continents, that doesn't matter for us to get into to talk, laugh, enjoy and celebrate. One thing is so sure, that.......
      Alone I can 'Say' but together we can 'Talk',
      Alone I can 'Enjoy' but together we can 'Celebrate',                 
      Alone I can 'Smile' but together we can 'Laugh.'
        That is the 'BEAUTY' of Human Relations.
              We are nothing without each other.



Seniors meet at Brisbane

Today participated in the seniors meet of MAQ at Sherwood Neighbourhood Centre, Brisbane. It was arranged to honour the senior members of MAQ and for the parents visiting their children and family. Me and my husband fall in the later group. Our son took us to the centre for the programme and afternoon lunch. It was a pleasant and vibrant programme where we got an amazing opportunity to interact with each and every one. After the delicious lunch, some of us performed the singing talents hidden in us. It was absolutely amazing and entertaining to activate our brain and body which help to age better. Hat's off to the organisers of MAQ.
As we get old, don't tend to stay away from social gatherings, which can hurt our mental and physical health. These meets help seniors to support and engage each other. Taking care of each other keeps us healthy and happy. As we age, both our health and social connections start to decline. We shall automatically get away from social connection and lose the attitude for positive outlook after our retirement, losing dear ones from our life and the shifting of children to far away places based on their family, profession and job, which in turn has a direct impact on health and happiness in our later years of life. Being socially connected helps us to live independently longer in good health. Only way is to use it or lose it. Let us determine to use it. It is as good as a physical activity or exercise. 

Saturday 14 May 2016

Weekend time pass is important

Weekends are always happy days. So also those are busy days with more cooking and have the meals with all the family members with sweet and lovely chats. Today I cooked our indigenous food, Idly and veggie stew for breakfast and Biryani, cilantro chutney, cucumber raita and papadum for lunch. We all enjoyed food , enjoying more time around the dining table with humorous chat.
After a short nap me and my husband stepped out to our local park to enjoy nature and have our own time. The weather was so beautiful and pleasant with cool breeze. In the park we got a nice spot to sit down and relax and was able to watch the seagulls. I saw them talking each other, having a group conversation, smiling, complaining, crying, having romance with partner, like wise it was a great decision to stay in the park and enjoy the nature.
                                                      It is so cute and an extraordinary way to spend week end with your loved one to enjoy your personal time away from grand kids. No doubt you are getting filled with energy fuel for the next whole week. So every weekend it is very important to plan something for your own.

Friday 13 May 2016

Sisters are real life time friend, philosopher and guide

Today got a phone call from my younger sister. We had sweet and lovely chat for about half an hour. It was truly energising and fun filling. She is hardly 18 months younger to me. So we grew up like best friends. Even though best, we use to quarrel now and then when we were in our early teens. What ever happened in between day time at bed we used to apologise and have a goodnight sleep. Yesterday we travelled through our childhood days and the little cutest things we enjoyed in all walks of our life. My little grandson awoke which happens to break our phone call and awaiting for the next call may be a week after.
A sister means, a life time friend. They are different fruits from the same tree. Sisters are connected by heart even if they are miles apart. In younger age sisters may be the most competitive girls in the family. Once they are grown up, no doubt it becomes the strongest relationships by sharing the life journey. Sisters are always supportive, caring and motivating. Sisters shares laughter and wipes tears.
Even if sisters grow old they are not old in their own time while sharing their childhood memories and grown up dreams. Yes, they can be a friend. philosopher and guide towards each other.

Thursday 12 May 2016

Window shopping for fun and fitness

A Shopping Mall in USA
Today with my little grandson I went for window shopping and had fun and fitness. I love window shopping. For the last ten years I am regularly enjoying my pastime as window shopping. Being a visitor abroad I can't purchase more due to the weight limitations to transport. I used to walk to the near by shopping mall or shopping spot to get a nice walk and to have fun and enjoyment whenever I am free. These walks help me to have a good walking exercise thus having a confidence of maintaining my health, to meet and greet people, to make new friends, enjoy the art work and beautiful window displays in the shops. Window shopping is least the expensive fun filled pastime pleasure for those who like to go out.
    All over the world people enjoy window shopping. We can get an idea of latest trends and styles.
To enjoy one should go leisurely to observe the items displayed such as costumes, shoes, vanity bags,
cosmetics and try some samples of perfumes. If you have your intimate friend or companion along, you can enjoy a cup of tea or coffee spending time in the mall getting inspired and motivated by the other costumers passing by. Also innovative and creative ideas will get triggered while seeing the displays that can be used at home. Those who love window shopping can easily spent lunch break or waiting for friends or relatives in the town. Even without money window shopping is possible and the walking and fun boost your health and fill with happiness. It is worth relaxing and entertaining.

Tuesday 10 May 2016

Love to spend time with grandkids

 Being with grandchildren makes me active, efficient, vibrant and intelligent. My grandchildren are of age 8 to 10 months. For the last eight years I am blessed to spend time with my grandkids. It is really awesome. Also it helps me go back to my younger days, cherish and pick up some sweet little things to share with my little ones. The morning and evening walks, the play groups and the picnics and short trips are helping me to interact socially and enjoy good physical and mental health.
Even I cherish my young age spending time with my grandma, who knows only to love us and feed us with grandmas delights. My grandma left us on 2nd June 2002 leaving behind many of the favourite memories we spent together.
           Spending time with grandchildren is the most beautiful experience in one's senior phase. This can make grandparents happy and improve their cognition. Being with the grandkid is enjoyable and the social interaction stimulates their brain function. Sharing special occasions, teaching them grannie's special skills and tactics, singing, dancing and playing with them, transferring the families favourite sports and traditions to the younger generation, cooking family favourites are the times where grandparents and grandkids enjoy and cherish. Also grandparents need to take care of themselves not to overdo any activities because of course they are grand.

Monday 9 May 2016

Food served with love...

Today I got a great opportunity to serve Indian food to my friends.
I thought of cooking simple, delicious and healthy food. I cooked, Idly, sambar, coconut chutney and chutney powder. Also cooked plain rice, beetroot in yogurt, papadum and lime pickle. The spice in the curries were mild. I was happy to see that they enjoyed the food and collected the recipes. The happiness and gratitude made my day one of the best. Thank you all my dear friends for permitting me to cook for you and again thanks for the way you enjoyed.
Wherever we are get involved and stay busy and have fun. Share your passion with your friends to sharpen your skills.

Benefits of being Social

A women's programme in India
Being a social person, I love to stay socially active wherever I am.
During my stay with my son, in Australia, I used to find out the nearest community and take part in the activities. I was lucky to have a community, where I can reach by a 15 minutes walk from our residence. On Mondays there is a programme, 'the pantry' for two hours. The programme is run by dedicated lovely people.
The highlight for me is to have sweet chat with the lovely ladies in the community by experience sharing and the current activities.
All public holidays are applicable to this programme also. So April 25th and May 2nd Mondays were holidays and today we were back with great enthusiasm. Just like back from school vacation each of us were having a bundle of stories/events/incidents to share with. It was really fantastic and amazing.
             Social interaction helps to stay sharp, healthy both physically and mentally and maintain interpersonal relationships. Also social interaction helps to keep the brain active, reduced risk for diseases, lower blood pressure and be in touch with nice and great friends. Overall social activities help to be active, positive, fearless and feel secure. So try to be socially involved and be active to stay healthy and happy.
happy ladies

Sunday 8 May 2016

Happy Mother's Day ....Paying Tribute to Motherhood

My mom is my strength. She is my greatest teacher of compassion, love, bravery and fearlessness. When I grew up she taught me how to behave nicely, share, support, accept and to see oneness among others. What I am now is only because my beloved mom who is 82 now. You are the angel in my life. I salute you my mom and wish you good health and happiness.

My strength
This day is dedicated to all mothers and mother figures who dedicate their lives for their family, children and society. There is no one to replace a mother as she is unique and precious. Mother is our first teacher, voice of reason, story teller, advice giver, supporter, doctor, chef, broken heart healer, right hand, counsellor, problem solver, comedian and above all our heart and soul. Mothers are the panacea to all our woes !!! I know everyday, mom should be treated as our angel in life. But due  work, family and other engagements we live far away from our ancestral home. That the importance of Mother's Day, to take special care to appreciate moms hard efforts and shower love and gratitude to express our never ending love. Mothers are always selfless and impartial to their children.
Happy Mother's Day to all the wonderful, beautiful and selfless mothers in the world.

Saturday 7 May 2016

Blessed couple

Me and my husband with our son n law's grandparents
This is about the blessed couple I ever met in my life. They are my son in law's grandparents. We became relatives in 2004 and from that period till the end we were in such a harmonious relationship. Every year we used to visit this lovely couple to spend some quality time with them. We respect each other and share our experience in life. I learned a lot from them. Their seventy years of togetherness is really an institute to me. I understood the way to attain God- realization from them coupled with spirituality. They were practicing patience, love and forgiveness and maintained great relationship which helped them to live their life fully and satisfactorily to reach eternal freedom. Grandpa after a week of hospitalisation left us on 18th of April 2016 at the age of 98. That was very hard for grandma. She didn't speak for two days. Then slowly came back and felt like normal. I was far away in another continent and got her over phone, spoke softly about the loss.
I agreed to meet her during July 2016 when I shall be back.
     On 6th May 2016 she went to bed at 10.15 pm and to our surprise she was no more in the morning . She was 84. Doctor certified that, her death happened around 5.30 am due to cardiac arrest.
      The loved and blessed couple after their happy togetherness of seventy years left for heavenly abode, almost together,  just within a gap of 19 days leaving behind beautiful children, grandchildren, their spouses and great grandchildren. Blessed by the Supreme Power to have the unity in their life....
leaving a worth message of the 'sense of oneness'  for the family members, relatives, friends and neighbours.
    I salute you both. May their souls rest in peace....      

Thursday 5 May 2016

Sharing is great

Today my friend forgot her laptop to the seniors broadband. She used to play games in the class and have fun with us at tea time. On the way she stepped in and told me.
I was able to manage the situation with the iPad of my husband. So she was happy to be in the class and enjoy her favourite games. Here comes the importance of sharing. What I did today was a small thing, but for sure I was surprised to see the joy in her eyes and feel the warmth of thankfulness from her heart. Sharing is a great deed to make someone around you to be satisfied and happy.
Here I would like to quote
"No candle loses its light while lighting another candle."
So when ever you get a chance never stop sharing, caring and helping others, because it makes our day beautiful and our life more meaningful.

Find the good in everything

My husband and grandson
My little grandson had a habit while feeling sleepy to suck his thumb and to hold and press the ear of those who hold him. I used to wear ear rings, which he put one finger through it and pull and cause pain. So changed the ear rings to ear studs. Now I got pressing on my ears, sometimes pinching which is really painful.
   But towards positive, I start thinking that I am getting my ear massaged by my little one. Not me only who ever is with him while sleeping they are getting the wonderful therapeutic effect.
So when I realise the healing effect, the pressing even though sometimes hard, starts working on me and now I wish to get the little massage from him.
Rubbing your ears stimulates the internal organs and the whole body by triggering the release of endorphins, which boosts the immune cells in the body and reduces feelings of stress and helps to relax. Just rubbing the earlobes, pressing. massaging gently or even firmly helps to refresh your thinking, calm down, energise your body, increase your intelligence skills, enhances your memory
and reduce tension in the body and overthinking. Use your thumb and index finger to massage the outer edge of your earlobes in small circles from bottom to top and top to bottom. A three minute massage daily is well and good to stay fresh and alert. This can be done at any time when ever you feel tired, unhappy or stressful. This simple practice is deeply calming.

Wednesday 4 May 2016

Feel happy around others

Today a new lady came to clean our house. Her name is Leigh. A lady with a beautiful soul to cheer up. After a simple and lovely mutual introduction she started her work. When ever it happens to cross me she was able to become a spirit lifting and mood elevating person. Then after her two hours work she left, complimenting me ...see you next time sweet lady. She spreads such a nice vibe to make others happy. Of course she is a humanitarian who stays happy around others to make them happy.

To make someone happy is to stay in a state of satisfaction, humour and compassion. Even one can behave like this with friends, relatives and also strangers. The only thing is fill always with positive attitude and good mood. Without even a word it will work to make others happy and you can make bring bliss to others. Once you are in the track, then the wheels shall roll on to be in a positive mood for making those around you to be happy. Go on practicing happiness....

Tuesday 3 May 2016

Power of Devotion and a Real Role Model

Sarojini Nangyaramma
 Based on an article read on a Sunday supplement of a news paper during June 2014, I came to know about Ms Sarojini Nangyaramma, who celebrating her 75th birthday. Surprised to know that even now she is performing the Nangyar Koothu, a temple art performed traditionally by the women of the Ambalavasi Nambiar community of Kerala in India, known as Nangyaramma. It is the sole domain of female artists. The stories for the performance are taken from Sree Krishna Charitham, depicting the life of Lord Krishna.

 The performance is through hand gestures, facial expressions and body movements to the accompaniment of the resonant pot drum Mizhavu.
 Mizhavu is a big copper drum played as an accompanying percussion instrument in the koodiyattom and koothu.

 Being the Secretary of a women's library, the news inspired me to meet her. We planned an interview at her home on 30th of July 2014. The dedication and determination of the lady was amazing and no doubt that why she is still in the field at the age of even seventy five. She did her debut at the age of five and still continuing. We thought to honour her at AIWC, Aluva and arranged a seminar on Gender Sensitisation in which she made a beautiful presentation on how to love a profession and be a part and parcel of it. She even performed for us on the day.
With great pleasure this post is to let my readers know that she was awarded the  Lalithakala Nadaka Academy award.
Hat's off to you Ms Sarojini Nangyaramma, we are proud of you as a model for womanhood , keep on going, wish you the very best to perform and spread the art form as long as you live. God Bless !!!
News published in the Sunday supplement
Performance at AIWC

Monday 2 May 2016

Don't miss a Rainforest walk.....

 Today visited Glow worm caves at Tamborine mountain with an intention to have fun, enjoy nature along with an intense walk.
After the half an hour guided tour to the caves, had the rainforest walk enjoying the music of birds and frogs which was very sweet along with the splashing sound of natural water falls here and there. The weather today was so beautiful and cool to enjoy the walk. Being a holiday the tourist and visitors in the park was a feast to eyes and ears. The beautiful rainforest bushwalks are well established and easy to walk enjoying nature.
I would wish to highlight the benefits of walking in a rainforest.
The hundreds of trees you pass by, orchids, ferns and other exotic plants that grow on tree trunks, the sunlight that filters through the canopy of leaves and above all enjoying the cool and deep shade in the rainforest. Also the feel and closeness of other creatures living up in the canopy, in the forest and well hidden under the thick foliage, the warm, damp and humid air inside the forest reminds us the importance and role of nature to protect us and provide us food, shelter, air to breathe conserve water for drinking and irrigation like that a number of activities. Nature reminds us the soul and spirit of life of all creatures in the Universe.
     This long weekend at Gold Coast was amazing and informative. Lot of things to share with my loving and beautiful friends in the community during leisure time.

Sunday 1 May 2016

Fun with family and friends

Today was Sunday of a long weekend. We thought to have some quality time together with friends and family. We assembled at our home after lunch. Prepared hot pan cakes and had tea together, while we had a discussion on national and international issues in politics and socioeconomic fields.
Then in our media room we watched a comedy cum family theme movie named two countries.
For dinner, planned it out at De Vito Waterfront, Southport. It was absolutely a great night out.
The venue is in a beautiful spot on the waterfront with nice lightings and illumination. The waterfront deck extended over water is strung with fairy lights and the trams whipping across Sun dale bridge making it more beautiful. The food was incredible and delicious. The restaurant is run by a family, for family. In a nut shell amazing food with efficient and elegant service and incredible entertainment. The chef himself, a singing celebrity, sings for the diners which is a real feast to ears and eyes. So the time spent in the restaurant excites the plate and the soul along with friends and family. It's a fun place to spend time and we left only at 11pm with full of happiness. To our surprise the restaurant family as a whole as a token of gratitude bid farewell to us which added more sweetness and flavour in our relationship. That's the greatness of family and relations.
   Finding time to have fun with family and friends is a great way to build happiness. Positive emotions in these kind of pleasant get together helps us to be more social , feels closer, helps our relationships grow and leads to long lasting bonds. It makes all involved happier and strengthens our relationships which helps to enjoy greater wellbeing.