Tuesday 21 June 2016

Yoga.... a journey of the self, to the self, through the self.

June 21st, "The International Day of Yoga". Yoga is an invaluable gift of India's ancient tradition.
United Nations has declared June 21 as the International Day of Yoga. It is Sadhguru's vision to make this day into a major offering of yoga and a possibility for people of all ages, religions, nationalities and social backgrounds to experience meditativeness, expanding their perception of life from 'Individuality to University'.
   Yoga is a science, that has been practiced for thousands of years and it's aim is to unite the body, mind, soul and spirit. Yoga helps to use your focus to maintain balance and concentration while increasing your coordination. Yoga helps to improve your posture and dexterity while working on your range of motion and flexibility. In yogic tradition flexible spine is the key to you and vitality, because life force ( prana ) can move easily through a supple spine.
Yoga teach us to sharpen our bodily consciousness and focus our attention in a meditative way.
Yoga brings awareness to our movements. Yoga helps to balance the glandular system, strengthen the nervous system and tap in the energy of our mind and emotions, which helps to be our own self. Yoga impacts all aspects of physical, mental and spiritual being. Regular practice of 'Yoga' helps better functioning of our body, increase radiance, emotional balance, enhanced intuition and elimination of negative thoughts.
                                 Yoga help us to be in a state of tranquillity and peace.

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