Thursday 9 June 2016

Benefits of chanting 'OM'

Today in this fast, advanced and high tech world almost everybody is unhappy. It is very important to have any alternative methods for calmness and peace. To chant 'OM', sit in a comfortable position on a mat on the floor or a chair with your back straight. Here the posture is in Vajrasana.
Chanting the universal hymn 'OM' cleanses your aura and purifies the environment around the chanter. It fills positive vibes to the one who is chanting and to the entire vicinity wherever its vibrations flow. It's regular chanting helps you to enjoy the spiritual travel.
When 'OM' mantra is chanted in a group, it produces immense positive vibrations which charge up the whole area. You start feeling more stronger, confident, fully charged with positive energy, keeping your emotions controlled, blood pressure under control, improves your voice, improves your concentration and helps you focus on goals and targets. Daily chanting 'OM' removes toxin from your body and gives you better immunity and self healing power. It takes you to alpha, a meditational state which gives you a deep relaxation. It is a great supplement that will help in the overall development of your body and mind positively without any side effects.

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