Tuesday 21 June 2016

My Dad...My Greatest Role Model....

Me with my mom and dad
My dad left us for his eternal journey on 21st June 1986. Today is the thirtieth anniversary. I miss my dad every day. I feel like dad always walk along with me unheard and unseen. My dad was my mentor, role model and my hero. Dad was down to earth, humble and humanitarian. My dad taught me to be simple, humble, truthful, sincere and dedicate. My dad gave me the knowledge and wisdom of the Universe. He gave me the real life education, such as openness, punctuality, kindness, to be logic, to be positive, to be grateful, trust others, have faith in things I do and compassionate which helps a great in my personal growth. Dad told me to look down to see many are depended on us and observe the struggles in the world, overcome the challenges and to look up for setting high goals. He taught me to work hard to achieve the goals. My dad always alerted me with life advice and career advice. Also taught me to see the things which need help and stretch out my hands to them. I am privileged and blessed to follow my dad's path and do service to Humankind and the Nature. My dad taught me to learn from every incident. Being a lifelong learner is still developing me personally, professionally and socially. My dad use to advice me to plant my feet firmly on the mother earth to assure that you are not attracted by material wealth. I followed his advice and experiencing to be a human being loving and taking care of each others. My dad was the alarm at our home and in my life and his memories still remind me to walk in the right path. I remember the words of my dad, " If you want to know how rich you are, find out how many things you have that money cannot buy." Now my life taught me dad you were right, you were perfect and you are really great.
Great Salute to my Dad!!! I am blessed to be your daughter.
 My dad nurtured me with the straight forward outlook and positive mind set which helped me to shape my life in a productive, constructive and healthy way.

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