Sunday 19 June 2016

Problems are Guide lines in Life not Stop signs....

Life is full of ups and downs, success and failures, happiness and sorrows and hurdles and problems. Every problem can be solved if we approach it with a strong will to solve. We need to change the thoughts at the time of facing the problem. Our mind set need to be raised in to the next level to get new thoughts and ideas to solve the problems. No need to worry about problems. Work out on the strategies to solve problem in front of us. It is not the pain that we suffer, it's our own thoughts that make things worse. If we have a lot of 'Buts' and 'What if's', our situation is going to be so bad and make us stressful. Doubts and fear are the worst enemies which lead us to anxiety. Chronic worrying starts to be a mental habit which needs break down to restore mental health. Identify both negative and positive sides of stress and take up control on your mind. Having a little stress (eustress)
is good to have positive thoughts. Problems help us to do our best.
Learn how to solve a problem. Analyse the problems, whether you can solve it by yourself. If not seek expert guidance. Discuss your problem with the group or team or family or friends depends on the situations. Challenge your anxious thoughts, start brainstorming yourself to evaluate your problems. Practice mindfulness to observe and letting them go. Mindfulness helps to identify the thoughts which cause more problems and to stay focussed on present.
   Train your mind to stay calm and look at life from a more positive perspective to face your problems in life, work out and solve the problems in front of you brilliantly.


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