Sunday 5 June 2016

Love Nature and Preserve Nature

Today, June 5th is the World Environmental Day. It happened for me to visit Brisbane and view some programmes and think about the need for the celebration of world environmental day. To create and raise global awareness about the importance of protecting nature, rain forests and earth is the main goal of this day. The environmental problems the world or a specific country is facing will be high lighted. All public and local libraries in India used to conduct programmes related to World environmental day. Schools conducts debates, quiz, painting and speeches for students, staff and PTA members on 5th June in connection with environment.
Now a days, for industrial developments forest and barren lands are being converted into buildings and other infrastructures. So also on part of beautification of the front yard and backyard of houses, it is concreted or tiled. All these activities are upsetting the nature and rainfall. The impacts of the developments are now becoming a real threat on the stability of the ecosystem and humankind. The predicted seasons are coming in time now a days. The rainfall is depleting. Life in earth without water is unthinkable.
Earth is a dynamic system and respecting the natural way of it's existence helps us to conserve the green, preserve the forests and rain forests and harvest the rainwater, recycle and reuse rain water for domestic and agricultural activities. Mankind is responsible to protect and maintain the integrity of the mother earth. Widespread applications of environment friendly adoption technologies and increased use of recycled materials and products help this movement to protect our environment,
because humankind and the nature are interdependent.


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