Thursday 2 June 2016

Know your power and use change the World

What are the powers we have? I should say those are

'The power to See'
'The power to Smile'
'The power to Say'
'The power to hear'
'The power to smell'
'The power to Taste'
'The power to Touch'
 'The power to feel'
'The power to Do'
'The power to Enjoy'
All these are the gifts we got, when we boarded this wonderful world.
What we have to do in my words are, open your eyes to see the happenings around us, smile at our fellows, a smile can change the moment and shift the mood. Make your tongue sweet, flowing out beautiful and sweet words. Make your ear sharp to listen compassionately. Smell, taste and touch are symbols of love, care and compassion. A warm touch is much stronger than a bunch of flowers. Feel,with your heart means, you are there to make the world happy. Do service any where, any time and stay happy to enjoy the power of gifts by the Supreme Power and share the heavenly gifts with the wonderful people outside there.
" Everybody laughs the same language, because laughter is a universal connection."

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