Sunday 12 June 2016

Kindle the light of love and spread happiness...

Love is something very intangible, but it becomes tangible the moment we feel it. A positive and open minded person with a sweet tongue can love everybody unconditionally. No doubt for it, it is my own experience.
'If your eyes are positive, you will love the world, but if your tongue is positive, the world will love you.'
In a senior programme, I befriend with a beautiful lady. We used to discuss about cuisines and cultures. I got a cookery blog and had wrote varieties of tea in it. But I got the recipe of cocktail tea from her.
One day after the programme, my friend told me, she likes to talk to me. While starting our talk, she told, 'I am really drawn towards you, I need to share my experience in life with you.' I felt, I am really awarded by the Almighty. We sat together, had a chat, and shared her experience and went through it and she decided to let go the sufferings and recharge her batteries with her passions of volunteering and spiritual activities to clear her mind and thoughts. We exchanged our phone numbers to be in touch. Where ever we are, be kind to our friends and love them, which they can easily read from our face and feel by their heart. Knowing someone who is happy makes you to be happy. Even we hear a friend of your friend is happy makes you to be happy. When we are more and more positive, compassionate, forgiving and joyful, we are not only helping ourselves but we are also helping others, thus spreading happiness over the world.
  Formulate a mantra to affirm happiness in your life journey, such as ' Life is a blessing and I am blessed by the Divine Bliss', 'I should do all my best to spread happiness through love', 'The whole world may enjoy prosperity, happiness and peace'. The happier we are, the more we can make everyone around us happy and everyone around them happy. Likewise it will go on and on.

"Spread love everywhere you go. Let no one ever come to you without leaving happier". 
                                                                                                                                 Mother Teresa

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