Wednesday 1 June 2016

Collect Human Relationships

Communication, trust and loyalty are very important to have and maintain human relations. It is easy and lovely to have connections with the beautiful people around the neighbourhood, society, country and the world. Even though we are busy in life, go on having nice relations and keeping the relationships close at heart to make it lifelong.
The tips for collecting human relations are easily accessible for those who wants to stay social. Always cherish your human connections and relations. Practice to speak with an open mind, smile from your heart, be cordial and generous, be considerate and thoughtful in the conversations, remember their names and call by their names and of course be alert to do service. With a blink of an eye, everything can change. So forgive and love everyone to stay loved and blessed.
Alone I can 'Say' but together We can 'Talk',
Alone I can 'Enjoy' but together We can 'Celebrate',
Alone I can 'Smile' but together We can 'Laugh'.
 That is the beauty and essence of Human Relations.
We are nothing without each other. So always enjoy the chance you get to know and befriend a person. You may never know when you may not get the chance again. Just like collecting stamps, souvenirs or fine arts I like to collect Human Relationships. No need to meet daily, weekly, monthly or yearly. Good relations can be maintained even if meet for sometime. But always stay connected to have a strong and healthy Human Relationships. Let us again remember, 'We are nothing without Each other.'
And let us join our hands to make a difference in the World.

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