Friday 17 June 2016

Recharge yourself on weekends to hit the weekdays....

Again another week end. Week ends are so important to me. To get energised to hit Mondays and the rest of the week days and to have again a big bang on week end. Week ends should be kept for family and filled with fun and entertainments. A picnic to a nearby picnic spot is my passion. To have the home made food along with us and have it in the open area in a national park, feeding the birds around us, watching the squirrels, listening to the music of the flowing water and birds, observing the trees, shrubs and herbs, other people and their family around, experiencing the warmth of the mother earth, like that everything related to nature is inspiring to me. Outings with family provides, physical health because of walking, trekking and jogging and fulfil their passions such as photography, collecting ideas for blogs, paintings, and to experience the wonders and beauty of Mother Earth. These physical activities leads to the release of endorphins which motivates us and keep us active and fit.

  Lot of people tend to have an extended sleep on weekends. The more you sleep on weekends, you end up feeling confused. When you wake up lately that makes you feel tired and less productive and the tendency to sleep more continues on Mondays because your brain tuned to wake up lately. Weekend activities need to rejuvenate one rather to disappoint you. Get engaged in activities that that provides happiness and peace. Also make it a point to involve in programmes that motivate you to take up the forthcoming challenges. It helps to clear your mind and get fresh ideas. It is very important to shift the gears to recharge yourself on weekends.
Volunteering, spiritual activities, social work, yoga and meditation, entertainments, picnics, visiting aged parents, visiting friends and relatives along with family members will create wonders in one's Body, Mind, Soul and Spirit.
  A change in the routine is especially needed for aged people in order to enjoy and recharge your batteries to enhance your energy level. Aged parents should be taken care of to have other activities other then their routine actions.

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