Friday 10 June 2016

Learn detachment with love...

I remember the words of a strong personality at the age of ninety five. He was healthy and humorous. Of course he was having little ailments related to blood pressure and arthritis. I love to talk to him which helps me to travel, from  1930s to 2015. It was amazing to chat with him to fill my taste of searching the goodness and richness of my father's life journey who was his peer. One day, in the year of 2013 the topic of discussion was on death. Even it was positive, his words stroked me was, " I am not afraid of death. But when I think, I need to leave all my beloved ones here, that makes me feel painful. I know one day we need to go, but I don't know, I can't think about it.It's a real pain and sometimes a nightmare." These words inspired me to write this.
    Here comes the importance of detachment. Even though it conveys a sense of loss, it is very important to learn and practice detachment to enjoy that 'space of time' to feel free. It is a human nature to offer help to our dear ones in trouble. Detachment helps to move forward and concentrate on self. Detachment also helps us to take responsibility on our own lives. Detachment is an important quality for healthy relationships. It is a state of mind of objective and not clinging to anything and it allows to move freely in all the walks of life. Detachment will help us in times of joy and sorrow and also help to live fully in the present moment without any worries or regrets.
   Once get detached, we can love others unconditionally without expecting anything in return. Getting detached from the emotional boundaries, allow the spirit to guide us and understand that all things are in a divine order.

1 comment:

  1. Detatchment is dis attachment a term very difficult to practice.
