Tuesday 14 June 2016

Senior programmes....Get involved and stay healthy...

During my stay abroad for a short while, I found certain activities for seniors in our community. One programme was the Seniors Broad Band which is my favourite. Being busy with my blogs and writings, it was so nice to be one among the participants, befriend with them, talk to them, share our rich experiences and to care for each others. It became a nice programme to get energised every week and get equipped more in broad band usage. Today it was so nice to have a discussion on my back home activities with the group. They all appreciated the programmes in which I am associated in India which boost me to a higher level. Even we are away from home, if we have a will to get involved in social activities it will come on it's way. I am sure, back in India my friends will be anxiously waiting to hear the activities which I got involved.
 Life depends on the way we look at it.
Forget your age and participate with openness in the programmes where ever you are.
"Happiness is an inside job." Live in the "NOW" and enjoy mental and physical wellness.
Every challenges in our life makes us better.
 Life is simple if we are positive, but life is complicate if we are fearful.
Above all friendships are very important to get involved. Friends  accept and appreciate us. Friends also need us which gives us satisfaction and peace, which is the portal to health and harmony.

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