Wednesday 15 June 2016

Grandparents and grandkids

Play group outdoor

Being a grandparent is the best feeling in the world. Most grandparents look forward the birth of their grandchild. Now a days grandparents are generally healthier and better educated than previous generations. Grandparents are voluntarily taking the privilege to look after the little ones. But having a full time care of your grandchildren can be very rewarding and also challenging. Grandparents may feel emotionally and physically exhausted by taking full time care. By involving in a second parent role of looking after the grandkids can isolate the grandparents from their friendships and routine entertainments, which make them feel socially isolated.
Here comes the importance of joining a social group. While I was away to look after my grandson, I fortunately got the opportunity to associate with the play group in our neighbourhood. It happens once in a week. There will be kids and parents, while the kids enjoy new skills to learn sharing and making new friends, parents meet other parents in the neighbourhood and have fun along with supervising the kids. Today was my last day in the play group. It was so nice to have a warm farewell from the other members in the group. I am so happy I got new friends to be in touch with and new skills to apply in the crèches we run in our organisation.
Play group

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