Tuesday 1 October 2019

International Coffee Day

Today October 1st is the International Coffee Day. Coffee is having great influence in those who likes coffee. The celebration of the day was decided by the International Coffee Organization In 2014 in Milan. From 2015 onwards it is being celebrated annually on October 1st. Dark roast coffee has less caffeine than light roast coffee.
In my childhood we were given black coffee with grass fed ghee early morning. The ghee for our use was made in home that time. In village every house there is a cow for milk, yogurt and cow dung. It was understood that time a tsp. full of ghee is for concentration, memory enhancing, to avoid constipation and for glowing skin. Now we know ‘Ghee’ is giving a better taste and improves energy, focus and gives a sense of fullness. After marriage we continued that and followed in our kids routine too because in our lives coffee with ghee proved it’s merits.  Some how based on the new trend I get rid of coffee from my routine. Coffee had been my health tonic for about 40 plus years. During my service I was too busy and the only way to save time was to skip my breakfast. Some busy days of trips and inspections won’t get time to have lunch. Still remembering that it was not at all a problem in my life.  The single ghee coffee at 6am made me strong till the evening .
Today I am going to have a cup of coffee to cherish my golden years in past and to honour the farming community who grows coffee for their livelihood. 
So why to hesitate, yes I am going to grab a cup of coffee with my family and enjoy the global celebration of coffee’s journey.

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