Sunday 6 October 2019

Blessing of the Day ❤️

“I had the pleasure of meeting a lovely lady today. Her name is Suma Subhadramma. We look forward to continuing our newfound friendship💕”
Today is a blessed day for me. We had lunch at my daughter’s colleague Mr Robert’s home. Today is Robert’s happy birthday. Happy birthday Robert🥳. Thank you Rob and Jenn for the invitation to your sweet home. We enjoyed every moment. The whole family was there. It was really a great experience to be with an amazing family of loving and beautiful members. I felt a special connection with Robert’s mom, Diana Maldonado. We had a chat and shared our life journey and was lovely to see that we are having some same mission in our lives. The first para is quoted by Ms Diana in my Facebook page.
I also love to be in touch with the beautiful lady in rest of my life. We were able to feel a positive vibe in our conversation. God Bless your family and you dear Diana to keep on your charitable activities❤️
Thanks a lot dear Diana. Life is full of chances. Today I got an ever cherishing experience to meet you that I can never forget in my life and that’s you my dear.God Bless 🙏

1 comment:

  1. പഴയ ചിരിക്ക് ഒരു മാറ്റവുമില്ലാട്ടോ സുമസാർ.
