Tuesday 8 October 2019

A living monument to Womanhood 🌹🌹🌹🌹

Thanks a lot dear Vinita and Vivek ❤️❤️
A feminine mind can be, in actually, dissected only by a feminine; her pathos, ethos, her tribulations, oppressions, suppressions all the vicissitudes she has to endure in a patriarchal society. Chastity, purity and all virtuosities are dumped on her and leaving all the heirship on masculinity caused her in the verbosity of shame and equated her as ‘Sarvam Saha’ (to bear all).
In this book ‘The Forest of Enchantments’ Ms Chitra Banerjee Divakaruni depicts the thought process of a woman, in its sublime ways, views the unpredictable environment. It is really a worth reading.

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