Wednesday 7 December 2016

The Power of 'Good Morning'

Why we say 'Good Morning'?
It is a human nature to respect our fellow person by saying Good morning, Hi, Hello and with welcoming words in other languages. It is a real greeting with courtesy and a sign of respect. It makes us human and it shows how we value others who are with us and get along with us.
By saying 'Good Morning' it makes the day more easier and more pleasant. It is the real acknowledgement and recognition to the people who lives with us, work with us and come across in our day. It is a highly humanizing. These two simple words help to improve our relation and communication. It creates a oneness feeling among us. There is no investment required to say 'Good Morning'. By making it a routine to say 'Good Morning' makes your day better.
Good morning is a prayer to the start of a day for good things to happen, with a hope to be healthy and happy in the day. It should start from our home.
I use to say 'Good morning' to the world in my wakeup prayer to greet the whole 'Universe' to start the beautiful day ahead and to all the members at home.  It works well for me.
It is very important to say Good morning to all the members in our home with eye contact. If you are not doing it, please practice to say Good morning to all at home when you come across face to face. By saying 'Good morning' we are opening up our mind and heart with faith, hope, inspiration and dedication for a great day.

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