Wednesday 21 December 2016

Surprise Christmas Gift....

Yesterday I got a surprise present from my neighbour at 7 pm. When the door bell alert me, I didn't thought I am going to get a present here in USA, where I am with my daughter for a few months. When the door was opened, chilled breeze entered with a warm hug from our neighbour. She presented the beautifully wrapped gift in my hands saying,' I am happy you are in front of me, Merry Christmas, this is for you'. I was surprised and thankful to the 'Almighty'.
She love Indian food and we used to talk about the recipes and the preparations of dishes. Now I am her 'Yoga' teacher. She is doing great in Yoga. This is part of my service to the humankind where ever I am.
 All over the world the custom of giving presents to family members and friends prevails. In our organisation at back in India we had a custom to exchange gifts to our Christmas friend in the Christmas celebrations. The date will be fixed for Christmas celebrations prior to Christmas. An amount will be fix in general to buy a gift and we need to bring the present for the assigned amount. In the programme the friend is selected by pulling the name of someone else in our group out of a hat or a flower basket. Then the name is announced and will present the gift  to the person who has been selected as our Christmas friend. We will be getting our present from some other person. Each person is given their present but we have no idea which person in the group bought it for us.
This year I missed the celebrations in AIWC, Aluva where I am associated but even away from home as a visitor in USA I was blessed to receive a gift from our neighbour, my lovely student in Yoga. Really experienced the greatness of the 'Supreme Power'. Merry Christmas to all!!!


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