Friday 30 December 2016

Meditate to loose...

Do anyone like to loose what we have? The answer will be a big no from us. That is the general thought of an ordinary man. Even if a pen is lost we go for searching and searching and feel sad for the loss. That is the attachment to the things we possess. It is too hard to get detached from what we own. But detachment is so nice to lead a beautiful life.
Today while working on an assignment in meditation I read the great message by Sri Buddha on meditation.
One follower asked to Sri Buddha,
Follower.... 'Guru, what you earned from this long meditation?'
Sri Buddha.... I didn't earn anything.
Sri Buddha... I lost everything.
Follower....Then why meditation?
Sri Buddha...Yes I lost all my self ego, jealousy, greed, ignorance, anger and fear of old age and death. Now I am free.
What a beautiful message. Let us meditate to enjoy oneness and experience eternal bliss.


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