Tuesday 26 April 2016

Peer Support is the art of connection

Today I went to the seniors broadband session in our community. There we have a beautiful loving group of people as tutors and learners. We feel like friends, no separation among tutors and others.
We used to have tea and snacks along with computer knowledge such as goggling, blogging and fun.
The feeling of oneness is the greatest quality in our group. I don't want to miss the weekly gathering,
because I am filled with a sense of belonging. That's the uniqueness of peer support.
 I should share with my readers I am only a visitor in Australia for five months and I am enjoying the facilities in the community where I live, which makes me feel I am in my native place. No worries where we are, these activities make me more comfortable feeling stronger and healthier. Being out in the community reminds me that I am not alone and am part of the universe.
  Peer support is about conversation. Peer support is also about social change. Peer support helps
people learn and grow together. When people provide knowledge, experience, emotional, social and practical help to each other. A peer support group is a voluntary gathering of people with same likes,
to share experiences and offer understanding. In these gatherings people are able to offer emotional and practical support mutually. It is the art of connection with ourselves, the people in our lives and the people on the universe.


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