Thursday 28 April 2016

Give yourself a treat

Today was a nice day with beautiful weather. Also no community activities on Thursdays. I thought what to do? Why can't go for a walk?
Walked for an hour around my neighbourhood.
I met a lady weeding her garden. As usual, said hello. But her lovely smile encourages me to have a chat with her. Susan, 82 years cares herself, her house, garden and backyard. Her child like act opens my eyes to see the fun she is enjoying. In her opinion the daily activities boost the energy within her which in turn gives her immense happiness.
Anything we plan for self is a real treat which rejuvenates and make us feel good. We all love to have a healthy and long life. When we are active, blood is flowing faster through out the body. Also endorphins (happy hormones) are flowing which enhance our mood to stay happy and after all promotes a healthy life style.
No expense needed to have a self treat. Time and a positive mind.

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