Saturday 21 January 2017

Keep your life simple and happy....

Our life is in our hands. Nobody can make us happy. It is our own duty to find ways to live healthy and happy. Be social to get rid of ego. Ego makes us feel 'I' where as being in the society makes us feel 'We'. In earlier life we won't feel loneliness. But in later life we will be almost alone. To keep our life simple, get away from 'ego' and get ready to be in a group.
Always be in touch with your friends or family at least over phone to avoid loneliness. Invite your intimate ones to have a friendly and an eye contact chat. Select a good friend have a detailed talk to vent out your worries. Always clear your mind and fill with answers instead of having questions. Feel free to say whatever you do not like in a gentle way. Appreciate all the things you like and love. Make it a point to ask for a thing you need or buy it. Assure you are in good health. Do not forget to have fun. Love yourself to love others and make your life simple and happy.

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