Wednesday 18 January 2017

'Aham Brahmasmi'...the real human endeavor...

Start the journey to know yourself. That is the beautiful journey within to explore yourself to know your true self to live in peace. Focus on your thoughts, word and deeds for exploring your inner self. This study enables you to look into the hidden areas of ignorance and darkness. Consciously working on it helps to expel the negative areas within which are controlling and supressing you from being happy and kind towards you and others. Now you awake the divinity in you. You can feel the God within you. That is the real human endeavour. Aham Brahmasmi!!! The ultimate in knowing is " 'Om...Asatoma Sathgamaya,
Thamasoma Jyothirgamaya,
Mrithyoma Amrithamgamaya!
 Om Shanti! Shanti!! Shanti!!!'.......... The meaning is,
 O Merciful lord! Kindly lead us,     from falsehood to truth,
                                                          from darkness to light and
                                                          from bondage to freedom.
                                                   O Lord, let there be peace everywhere!                                              


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