Sunday 8 March 2020

We are not born with Courage, We learn it!

Today, March 8th, International Women’s Day. During our visit to Pune I missed official programs of Women’s Day celebrations. Morning visited and wished an elderly aunty at her home. Evening visited a friend who I really adore 🥰 We had a chat. I am so proud to introduce my bold and beautiful friend Mrs Geetha Unni before my readers. 
A lady who made her passion of cooking as a productive time pass to live a quality life in her senior phase. In her younger years her cooking was highly appreciated by family, friends, relatives, neighbors and guests. She lost her husband when her kids were in their teens. When the children grew up in connection with their career they left home and settled in Middle East countries along with their families. It was so painful for her to be alone. For some years she frequently visited her children and spent few months with them. Back home again she felt lonely. 
At this point she starts to think seriously about the years ahead. So what to do to overcome the loneliness and be a positive, strong person, mother and grandmother ? 
She loves to teach. Thought of giving tuition to kids. ‘But if  I want to visit my children what shall I do with my students. I can’t leave them blank amidst the exams.’ So she left out the idea of giving tuition. 
One day a student living next door asked her from where they can get meals. Due to their tight schedule they are not able to cook for themselves. She agreed to enquire and let them know in two days. That night in bed she was thinking about the girls. Suddenly an idea triggered her, ‘ Why not I take up the task? Why can’t I cook for them? I can inform them well in advance when I plan to visit my children and family.’ After a detailed conversation with her mind she decided to take up the new mission of cooking meals. The next day itself she replied and agreed to the girls. There it started about a decade before. Now she is very busy in cooking ‘soul food’, creative in innovating new recipes, ready to supply special food to patients. She is well known in her area. Her children are happy to see a strong mom. Yes, no doubt at all, she is doing a great service.
Thank you dear Geetha for sharing your life journey❤️Hats off to you Geetha🎩 God Bless 🙏


  1. Better not to idle out your time eventhough you are a fine art where you will get a feed back which keep u happy if you are good cook

  2. This blog speaks about this pious,woman who does a noble profession, iand my late wife Sreedevi enjoyed her tasty food.Thanks Suma for bringing her worth.

  3. Best wishes to you in your noble profession. I commend you for your achievement and hope you will enjoy its rewards for years to come. We compliment you on your success and send our best wishes for the future. We appreciate your devotion to your noble service.

  4. Congrats ....still continuing this noble service ( food service ) in this tough kovid period too...Big salute😍😍

  5. Very nice thought geetha i know ur a good cook and u flourish in this field give me also ur own recepies okk bye take care

  6. Hi excellent video everything shows in your video very clear I know your cooking is very good as per your video my wife will cook same dish during denner time then will let you know hows she cook.
