Monday 1 January 2018

Meenakshy Ramakrishnan, Strong Pillar of AIWC, Aluva

Contributions of Smt Meenakshy Ramakrishnan, Founder Secretary AIWC, Aluva

                           Since the inception of Aluva AIWC from 21st Jan 1971 onwards Smt Meenakshy Ramakrishnan as our founder secretary harnessed the power of the organisation with team work and leadership to greater heights. She embellished the centre as a doyen among the branches energising many girls and women for self sufficiency in socio-economic progress.

The meritorious contributions are

Shifting the office from rental to own multi-storeyed twin building in the heart of the town is the highlight.

Started constituent branches in and around Aluva.

Promoted Hindi Prachar Sabha programs in 1960’s along with tuition classes for Hindi and continued at AIWC which enables the students to get job in schools.

With special interest she inculcate reading habits among women and children starting a small library at her home in late 1960’s which has grown to a ‘A’ grade library named Vanitha Varsha Smaraka Grandhasala at AIWC, Aluva.

She initiated to convert solar energy for cooking purposes which was widely accepted by the women in rural areas. She travelled over the country and Lakshadweep to promote solar cooking based on the direction from AIWC, HQ.

The skill development programs such as KGTE TEN, Type writing, Printing Press, Radio Assembling unit with the support of Keltron, fabric painting and craft helped the woman community to get a job/ start their own enterprise which enabled them to stand on their own feet.

Baby crèches and anganvadi was a great boon to working moms.

Old age day care supported by Help age India was run effectively during her tenure which helped to reduce the loneliness of aged women.

Besides the awareness programs created a drastic change among women in health and contemporary affairs.

Smt Meenakshy Ramakrishnan, with her dynamic personality led our organisation as a premier institute for women especially for economically backward class. She is a powerful woman filled with wisdom and strategy for success. Conforming to facts, worthy of trust she possesses common virtues to an uncommon degree.

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