Monday 1 January 2018

About the Book, ‘Vishadathil ninnu Vivekathilekku’


‘Vishadathil ninnu Vivekathilekku’ means ‘the journey from depression to autonomy.’

                                                        The very goal of human life is to do creative service to oneself and to the world. The fast and advanced technology has gone very far deteriorating human relationship. Eye contact is missing now days in all fields and finger tips are working in this era. Even in a home it is surprising to see that texts are being sent to inform dinner is ready like that. Return text will come soon ‘shall come after half an hour or don’t wait for me’ like that. What’s happening? Family members are missing the beautiful conversation of the day around the dining table. Everywhere business touch and business sessions only, there is 24 hours in a day but due to the lackadaisical 24/7 working pattern, no time to spare with the dear ones in home. This results in anxiety and depression in individuals. This phenomenon is becoming common today. The sad thing is that it is not being identified in time because of lack of relationship at home or in office.

                                                            Authors, Smt. Suma Pillai and Sri. Rajendran Pillai, the couple have made a detailed study and laid out clearly the chart of the journey from the dark depths of depression and anxiety to the light of awareness, wisdom and peace. Human relationship is so important to lead a healthy and happy life to experience quality in every walks of the life journey. Authors are sharing their knowledge and experience in counseling detailing the subject of depression and anxiety with an objective

·       To bring out symptoms of depression and anxiety to the notice of people.

·       To inform people the actual facts of depression, historical and biological aspects and newer techniques, so that they may realize the true nature and extent of the problem.

·       To familiarize various options available to manage or cure the condition through holistic healing of the person.

                                       People with depression will be concerned to know what can be done to help them deal better with stressful situations.  Once depression is identified then let their response to relationship, work stress, financial matters etc. to be taken with special care and train them to have more adaptive response to the hurdles to manage. The practice of selfishness and acquisitiveness are the primary factors that derange the mind. This book is a real guide to make one aware that freedom from selfishness and acquisitiveness will naturally lead to a healthy state of mind.

                                                    The chapters covered help the readers to identify and diagnose the disorders due to anxiety, depression and negative personality. Also make them aware of the biology of anxiety which enables entry to the phase of proper identification of the disease and how to find out the solutions to get rectified and lead one to build up a positive personality. The chapter ‘Psychology of anxiety’ reveals the correct platform to land and start the ‘action phase’ to cure self and cure others. While going through the pages it visualizes the words of the great philosopher, George Bernard Shaw that

 “Life is no brief candle for me. It is a sort of splendid torch which I have got hold of for the moment, and I want to make it burn as brightly as possible before handing it on to future generations.

                Vishadathil ninnu Vivekathilekku shall be a useful referral book for all those who are involved in counseling, adolescent training programs and can be kept in home as a self therapy guide and a family therapy guide.






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