Saturday 30 December 2017

Pathway to Know Thy, Be Thy and Become Thy


                                       From the ape man to the present human being mankind has evolved through

millennium of countless changes in physical, mental and spiritual spheres. Learning to use hands

was an intellectual leap to ensure survival. Then in succession linguistic competence and cultural

take off occurred. As the evolvement gifted the human being a super intelligent brain, having two

hemispheres one handling the logical emotional and the other the holistic and creative, mankind

was able to master and control the universe and consequently the mind became ineffably

complex. As the gratification of sensual appetite and luxuries began to flourish, life became a

chaotic web leaving the world restless and turmoil. But because of the gift of the higher thinking

brain, manhood have been relentlessly searching for the removal of sorrows and pain and to make

life meaningful and happy. The fortuitous unpredictable and transient nature of life led to the

thinking of purpose of creation and the sublime duties of mankind. And it dawned on that there

is a spiritual core for transcendental awareness to live in love, peace and harmony.

                                     Spirituality is the expression of love, compassion and service. Everlasting

happiness is possible only through adherence to truthfulness in thought, word and deed and

that is what meant by spirituality. It is the basics of human life that is not to be conformed but

confined. It is not avidity, vagary or subject to choice. It is like the candescence of light inherent

in human being.

                                         The inceptive way to that holy travel begins with the inward knowing.

Sense organs are the internal representation of the external world. It is always alluring and

appeasing to the person’s frame of reference and habit which is deflective. Knowing self begins

with metaphysical awareness. For which just sit down for some time setting a timer. Then record

the thoughts that passed through your mind, no matter whether it is good or bad, right or wrong.

Then analyse the thoughts to see mind’s ramblings. Here comes the importance of

contemplation to confine the dissipating mind. Your journey to self realisation has begun and you

will find the inner energy orchestrating with the external energy and sublimating the universe

with love, compassion and selfless service.  Harmonising the body, mind and spirit is highly

essential since a peaceful spirit/soul can only exist in a healthy body. Here comes the importance

of activity of body and mind. Physical exercises of Yoga focus to maintain balance and concentration

through coordination of body, mind and spirit. A flexible spine is the key to vitality because

life force can move freely through a supple spine which can be attained through Yoga. When your

body is fit, then start working on your mind. There is a saying “train your mind to mind your life.”

Mind can be compared to a monkey. Mind can easily build stories, create dramas and set a series

of episodes with the emotions ruling us which can tend us to be weak or strong, happy or

unhappy, peaceful or worried, pure or impure, healthy or unhealthy, lovable or cruel.

Meditation is the strongest tool ever to keep the mind strong, happy and peaceful. It is good

to accept a master to help undergo the workouts. When the skills are acquired, you can do

yourself and guide others to reap happiness and harmony.

                                                            Once the body is healthy and the mind is powerful the

spirit/inner energy starts working. When the spirit gets the control you are in the right path.

It increases the capacity to love and be kind to self and others and attain the strength to

confront and transform sufferings and offer everything to life thereby one can realise self,

love self, respect self, care self, heal self and transform self. It helps you to know your

higher self and can feel lighter  and become more empathic which results in self volunteering.

Attaining the spiritual knowledge and power reminds us that “we are all ONE.” In my

Perspective spirituality is “Think good, Say good and Do good” which in turn kindle the light

of love transforming us to a heavenly abode.





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