Friday 29 December 2017

Live with Smile to fill life with Cheers...

A simple smile is so influential. It can change the mood of a person or a group. It is lovely to make the people around us happy and hassle-free.
When kids are growing up they are innocent and ready to face the day/ surroundings/ world. But what elders do? They try to encroach their beautiful world and give them some tips how to face the day.
If there is lighting or thunders, the kids wonder what is that? We can teach them and guide them. Instead if we start frightening them, then they will hide or go in their bed under the blanket getting away from the sight and sound. The same thing happened in case of mixer running and pressure cooker working. I had met some parents proudly saying, when the kids are away they operate their mixer and pressure cooker. What they are doing? Instead of making their child emotional strong they are bringing them up with fear an doubt.
We are teaching our children negatives instead of positives. A smile with facts can teach the child to face their life. A smile can cut through all barriers. A smile represents goodwill, affection and openness towards their life and others. Smile communicates acceptance, happiness and builds up strong immune system.

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